Provided with the data from a Conveyor machine that included timestamp, total weight moved and the status, this application displays the following:
- Last time when a status from the Conveyor Machine was received.
- Time elapsed since last reset.
- Weight that the machine has moved since the last reset.
- Weight move rate in lbs per second.
- Last status received from the machine.
- A graph marking the data received in the last minute, including reset.
A reset is provided to start the counting again. This actions is streamed to all clients looking at the web application.
The web application runs on Google App Engine. You can go to the downloads page to get a copy of the latest SDK and instructions on how to get it working locally. The file app.yaml is provided for using it with the script. The incoming data simulator can be run with:
In order to integrate with the system for entering data, a HTTP POST request has to be made to /opened containing the following HTTP parameters:
- timestamp: The timestamp of the machine (number of seconds since Jan 1st 1970 at 00:00:00 UTC)
- current_total_weight: A double that indicates the total weight read on the machine.
- status: A string informing of the current status of the machine.
A screen capture of the interface can be found under the screen_shot folder.