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Documentación en español

Visualization and analysis project of the planned construction works of the Buenos Aires city government.

About BA Obras

BA Obras is a website aimed at informing the citizens about the progress of the planned construction works in their jurisdiction. The project is a website that loads the relevant data from a csv file and builds data visualizations from it about the progress, state, cost and other attributes from each of the works. The website generates a view that lists all the planned works and also generates a view for each of the works. The site can be embed into other sites.

The original project can be seen in

The project is a web-app that only has a frontend and doesn't need a backend. Doesn't have forms, submits or need for a database. All the data is loaded from a unique static csv file. The site is built as a single page application based on angular-js

Data requirements

The site uses a csv data source that can be hosted in the site or can be part of an external service. See the details about the data source connection in the configuration file section

Data scheme

Column name Required / optional column Data type Detail
nombre Required Text Name of the planned construction work
lat Required Numeric¹ Latitude
lng Required Numeric¹ Longitude
descripcion Required Text Description of the work
entorno Required Category (Text) Territorial classification of the work
monto_contrato Required Numeric¹ Budgeted cost of the work
etapa Required Category (Text). One of the following: En proyecto, En licitacion, En ejecucion, Finalizada State of the work. En proyecto means In progress, En licitacion means In bidding, En ejecución means In action and Finalizada means Finished
tipo Required Category (Text) Work type. The values of this cell must match with the predefined types or, otherwise, new types and icons must be added to the site.²
comuna Optional³ Numeric¹ Number of the commune
jurisdiccion Optional³ Category (Text) Name of the jurisdiction where the work is
mano_obra Optional Numeric¹ Amount of workers needed
porcentaje_avance Optional Numeric¹ Completed work percentage
id Optional Numeric¹ Work id
etapa_detalle Optional Text Extra information about the state
area_responsable Optional Category (Text) Responsable government area
barrio Optional Text Neighborhood name
calle_1 Optional Text Street name
seccion Optional Numeric¹ Section number
manzana Optional Numeric¹ City block number
parcela Optional Numeric¹ Parcel number
direccion Optional Text Street address
fecha_inicio Optional Date Starting date of the work
fecha_fin_inicial Optional Date Ending date of the work
plazo_meses Optional Numeric¹ Month amount that the work needs / took place
imagen_1 Optional Url⁴ Url of an image from the work
imagen_2 Optional Url⁴ Url of a secondary image
imagen_3 Optional Url⁴ Url of a secondary image
imagen_4 Optional Url⁴ Url of a secondary image
licitacion_oferta_empresa Optional Text Company name
licitacion_anio Optional Numeric¹ Bidding year
benficiarios Optional Numeric¹ Amount of beneficiaries
compromiso Optional Text Commitment name
link_interno Optional Url Further information link url
pliego_descarga Optional Url Legal information link url

¹ Have in mind that the numbers must follow the international format. That is, must have a decimal dot . and must not contain any thousand separator, Tener en cuenta que es importante formatear los numeros de forma tal que el separador decimal sea . y no deben contar con separadores de miles, comillas, caracter de moneda, ni otros caracteres especiales.

² The current work types that have icons are the following: Arquitectura, Escuelas, Espacio publico, Hidraulica e infraestructura, Hidraulica, Salud, Transporte y Vivienda. To add icons to more types, svg files with the corresponding filenames must be added to the folder app/images/iconos. The filenames must be all in lowercase and have - instead of spaces. For example, if the work type is Public space then the svg icon must be named public-space.svg. After the icons are added, the project must be built again (see the development instructions section).

³ Altough comuna and jurisdiccion are optional, one of their must be present

⁴ In case of having images without publicly accesible urls, it is possible to incorporate them as part of the site and serve them with the rest of the static files of the site. See the Construction works images section

Required files to run the site

Geospacial file

The map view of the jurisdiction and its planned works needs a geojson file with the geografic information of the jurisdiction's geometry. This geojson file must have the following scheme

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "properties": {
        "id": "First jurisdiction",
        "comuna": 1
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
            [lat, long],
            [lat, long]
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "properties": {
          "id": "Last jurisdiction",
          "comuna": 15
        "type": "Polygon",
        "coordinates": [
            [lat, long],
            [lat, long]
  "properties": {
    "center": [0, 0],
    "zoomLevel": 100

Each feature in the geojson represents a subdivision of the geographic area. There must be at least one feature with a polygon.

The properties y properties.comuna are referencies to the columns jurisdiccion and comuna of the csv data file, respectively, and must have the same values as the ones in those columns. Remember that only one column is obligatory, and so only one property also is obligatory (see note 3 of the Data scheme section)

The property is a [lat, long] pair that must be defined as the crental point of the map and the property properties.zoomLevel is the zoom level of the map. This two properties must be fine tuned to place the map properly.

There are two copies of this geojson file inside the repository. The first one is placed in app/geo/geometry.geojson and used for the development server, and the second one placed in dist/geo/geometry.geojson and used for the production server. To know more about the different modes of running the site, read the Development instructions section

Site images

The "Map" section button uses a svg image. The default image of the project is a map of the Buenos Aires city. To change this image, replace the file placed at app/images/selectores/mapa.svg.

To change the site's favicon, replace the file app/favicon.ico with the desired icon.

After any of these modifications is necessary to build again the project. See the next section

Construction works images

In case of having images with publicly accessible urls, they can be added to the csv as cells in the corresponding columns (see the Data scheme section)

If instead the images aren't upload to any public server, it is possible to add them as part of the static files of the site in order to be served in the same way as the rest of the static files (html, js, css, etc).

As specified in the First time setup section, the dist folder is used as the root folder of the site. If images are placed in the dist/images folder them they will be publicly accessible as the rest of the images inside that folder. For example, if the base url of the site is and a example.jpg image is placed in dist/images then the final url for that image will be
It is also possible to create folders to organize the images. In case of placing the example.jpg in a custom-images folder inside dist/images, then the final url will be

Development instructions

To add changes to the project, follow the next steps

  • Clone the project using git
  • Install NodeJs. The use of nvm is recommended. Once nvm is installed, run nvm use inside the main folder of the project to ensure that a proper node version is use.
  • Install the npm dependencies via npm install in the main project folder.
  • Install the bower dependencies via bower install in the main project folder.
  • In the /app folder create a config.js file. There already exists a config.js.example that serves as an example for the configuration file. See the configuration file section.
  • If the data file is going to be part of the site, then it must be placed inside the app folder.
  • Run the development tasks suite via grunt serve. This will build all the assets and run a local server.
  • Make the necessary changes in the /app folder. You'll see the changes reflected in the local server. (Defaults to http://localhost:10000)
  • Once the development in /app is done, compile the final assets via grunt build

Visual adaptations and changes

If you need to add css changes to the site, place them inside the app/styles/custom.css file. This file has priority over the base site styles.

Once this file is modified, run the grunt build script to compile the css changes into the dist folder with the rest of the final assets.

Running the site in a production environment


The only requirement to run the site is a web server. All the files, code and assets of the project are client side assets that are already built and placed in the /dist folder. The following steps are for running the site in a production environment. To develop and add changes to the project, read the previous section.

  • Use Apache, NGINX or the server of your choice
  • Varnish or other cache service (optional, for better performance)
  • It's not necessary to build the project.
  • It's not necessary to have internet access from the server.
  • It's not necessary to install dependencies
  • All the files needed are already compiled and minified into static files in the /dist folder.


  • The only required configuration step is the creation of the configuration file.
  • If the data source is going to be a local file, then place the csv file inside the /dist folder and configure the configuration file accordingly.
  • The project doesn't need any environment or process variables.

First time setup

  1. Crete a domain,subdomain or path to the application. For example:
  2. Run a web server with nginx, apache or a similiar service and clone the project using git clone
  3. Create the Configuration file
  4. If the data source is going to be a csv file hosted inside the site, then placed it in the /dist folder
  5. Point the server configuration as to have the /dist folder as the base folder for the project.


If updating to the last changes available, simply run a git pull while in the root folder of the project.

If the local repository has no changes when comparing to the github repository, then the git pull command should run successfully and the project should be updated to the last version.

Otherwise, if the local repository has changes when comparing to the github repository and the git pull returns a file conflict error, then the files must be merged manually.

  • Make backup copies of any file that is not part of the original project or has been modified. For example, the csv with the works data, the geometry.geojson file, the config.js file, the custom.css file (if modified) and any other file (icons, favicons, etc) that has been added or modified from the original github repository of BA Obras.
  • Revert any change of the local repository. This can be achieved with git checkout . to revert any change to files tracked by git, and by git clean -d -f . to delete any file not tracked by git.
  • Again run git pull. This time shouldn't return any conflict.
  • Copy again any backuped file in the first step
  • Run a grunt build command in order to compile again the site. This should output a final and productive version of the site to the dist folder

Changes between versions

On june 3 2019 a requirement was added to the geometry.geojson, now being obligatory to have an attribute "properties": { "id": "Nombre de la subdivision" } in the first level features of the geojson. For further information read the geospacial file section.

Configuration file

The configuration file config.js must be configured accordingly in order to run the site properly in development or production mode. Two example configuration files config.js.example exists and are placed in the app and dist folders. These two files serve as the development and production configuration files respectively. app/config.js as the development configuration file, and dist/config.js as the production configuration file.

There are two ways to connect the data source into the site. The first one is to place the csv file inside the project. The site will then load the file using a get request to the local path. The second option is to make a jsonp request to an external site that already serves the data. To configurate this interaction, the LOAD_USING_JSONP boolean and DATA_PATH string must be properly configured inside the configuration file.

If the data file is going to be hosted inside the project, then the DATA_PATH property must contain the filename of the data file. For ex, if the data file is named data.csv and is placed in app/data.csv (for development) and dist/data.csv (for production) then the DATA_PATH must be the string "data.csv".

Config property Value Description
LOAD_USING_JSONP true|false If true then the csv file will be loaded using a jsonp request to the DATA_PATH property. Else, it will be loaded using a get request to the DATA_PATH property.
DATA_PATH String Url or filename
USE_USIG_MAP_TILES true|false Flag to determine if the tilemaps must be loaded from USIG (Buenos Aires only)
CITY_NAME String Name of the jurisdiction of the site
DATA_ORIGIN String Default value: undefined. Only one other value is supported: andino-json-api


A file with all the string translations that the site shows to the user is available. This file serves the purpose of offering the possibility of translating the whole site to another language or to modify the current spanish translation.

The file is placed at app/scripts/i18n.js. If the translations are modified, is necessary to re-build the project (see the development instructions section).