Is a package that helps you to split up components into multiple actors, that can talk to each other, without knowing where those actors are. can be useful for:
- send files to a web worker to upload them there and get events on how far it is
- long-running tasks and their state changes over time that needs to be reflected in the UI
- Clicking on a Button should open a General Modal that can be opened in multiple ways, like a command palette.
if you don't know why this can be nice to have then here is a talk from Paul Lewis and Surma where they explain where the idea comes from and what benefits it brings. The whole idea of this package started with that talk and being frustrated in some projects that I just couldn't toggle a state somewhere in the app without doing a global state in redux or mobx. Especially if you are doing things via multiple threads like a button sends an event to a worker_thread that was started in the electron main thread, Redux/Mobx wouldn't be an option anyways.
$ npm install @actorize/core
# or
$ yarn add @actorize/core
import { createDirector, createStore } from '@actorize/core';
const director = createDirector({
store: createStore(),
const actorOne = director.registerActor('one');
actorOne.onMessage((msgs) => {
if (msgs[0].payload === 'DO_SOMETHING') {
console.log('I DID SOMETHING');
const actorTwo = director.registerActor('two');
actorTwo.sendMessage('one', 'DO_SOMETHING');
$ npm install @actorize/react
# or
$ yarn add @actorize/react
import { ActorizeProvider, useActorize } from '@actorize/react';
import { dispatch } from '@actorize/core';
import director from './director';
// ...
const MyCoolActor = () => {
const [state, setState] = useSate(0);
const actor = useActorize('cool-actor', {
onMessage: (msg) => {
if (msg.payload === 'INC') {
setState(state + 1);
return <div>{state}</div>;
const ThatBigButton = () => {
const handleClick = () => {
dispatch(director, 'cool-actor', 'INC');
return <button onClick={handleClick}>Click Me</button>;
const Wrapper = () => (
<ActorizeProvider director={director}>
<MyCoolActor />
<ThatBigButton />
// ui.js
import { createDirector, createRouter, createStore, createNetworkInterface } from '@actorize/core';
const myWorker = new Worker('/worker.js');
const workerInterface = createNetworkInterface();
myWorker.onmessage = (arg) => {
workerInterface.handleLocalIncomingMessages((msg) => {
// or to make it easier you can use
// const workerInterface = createWorkerInterface(myWorker)
const router = createRouter({
ownDomain: 'ui',
domains: {
upload: workerInterface,
export const director = createDirector({
store: createStore(),
routers: [router],
// worker.js
import { createDirector, createStore, createWorkerInterface, createRouter } from '@actorize/core';
// as self is in this instance a worker object/instance.
const ni = createWorkerInterface(self);
const router = createRouter({
ownDomain: 'test-worker',
domains: {
ui: ni,
const director = createDirector({
store: createStore(),
routers: [router],
const actor = director.registerActor('worker-actor');
actor.onMessage((msgs) => {
// somthing
if you are using typescript, currently you have to set types like this
declare module '@actorize/core/dist/types/actor/store' {
interface RecipientAsI {
'ui.navigation-router': { actionType: 'PUSH' | 'REPLACE'; path: string };
'ui.command-palette': { action: 'OPEN' | 'CLOSE' };
or when you just want to play around a little or do not care about type safety, then override it with
declare module '@actorize/core/dist/types/actor/store' {
interface RecipientAsI {
[key: string]: any;
then you do not have any autocomplete or checking, but it does not throw type errors either.
the most basic plugin is the logging plugin. This can be helpful to see when what actor sends what.
import { createDirector, createStore, createLogPlugin } from '@actorize/core';
// logs into 'debug' with "[ACTORIZE] ({{sender}}) => ({{recipient}}), {{payload}}"
const logPlugin = createLogPlugin();
// you have the option to filter too.
// this would only log messages from the actor named "ui"
// createLogPlugin({ filter: (msg) => msg.sender === 'ui' })
const director = createDirector({
store: createStore(),
plugins: [logPlugin],
A plugin in general can be used to transform messages before they are saved to the store too. At the moment it just has options for onMessage
which gets a Message
and has to return a Message
The Typescript interface for the Plugin is
interface ActorizePlugin {
onMessage?: (msg: Message) => Message;