Inspired by Buy Nothing. A web application for giving things away for free or finding things for free. This is the back-end server for
Contributors: Davee Sok, Ryan Geddes, Sarah Shatto, Jonathon Lee.
This server performs crud operations on a listings collections and images collections. Certain routes can require authentication and authorization priveleges.
- The server uses an express framework and is deployed through heroku.
- MongoDB is used to store listings information and image urls.
- Actual images are not stored in our database, but a middleware in the image route, sends images to Cloudinary, and saves the url to our database.
- Passwords are not stored in our database but handled through Auth0 on the frontend application.
Javascript ➡ NodeJS ➡ ExpressJS ➡ MongoDB ➡ Cloudinary
- Clone down this repo
- Make sure MongoDB is installed on your computer
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Create an account at and get the following:
- Cloud Name
- API key
- API secret
- Add the following into an .env file:
SECRET= ** pick a word, must match front end secret word. this is used to authenticate a token
CLOUD_NAME= <<Get from Cloudinary Account>>
API_KEY= <<Get from Cloudinary Account>>
API_SECRET= <<Get from Cloudinary Account>>
- If you want a database in the cloud
- Go to
- Create New project
- Create new cluster
- replace MONGODB_URI with the address mongo gives you
- Run the server:
nodemon index.js
The following routes are available:
const listings = mongoose.Schema({
title: { type: String, required: true },
description: { type: String, required:true },
imageUrl: { type: String, required:true },
creatorUserName: { type: String, required:true },
creatorUserId: { type: String, required:true },
categories: { type: String, required:true },
location:{ type: String, required:true },
itemStatus: { type: Boolean, required:true },
commentors: [],
in progress... no tests at this time