Track4:Enhancing Retail Checkout through Video Inpainting, YOLOv8 Detection, and DeepSort Tracking (Retail Counter)
This project includes our solution for Track 4 of the 2023 AI City Challenge, Welcome to the RetailCounter GitHub repository, where we present our sophisticated deep learning-based framework that can recognize, localize, track, and count products as they traverse in front of a camera. The retail industry has been experiencing an upswing in the use of cutting-edge artificial intelligence and computer vision techniques. Among the major challenges in this domain is the development of an automated checkout system that can address the multifaceted issues that arise in real-world checkout scenarios. Our proposed framework, RetailCounter, is founded on a detect-then-track paradigm, and we apply tracking on the bounding box of the detected objects. In addition, we have integrated an automatic identification of the detection region of interest (ROI) and efficient removal of unwanted objects from the ROI. Our framework's performance is competitive, as evidenced by our F1 score of 0.8177 and the fourth-place ranking we achieved in track 4 of the 2023 AI City Challenge.
Link to downlaod our paper download
conda create --name aic23 python=3.9.0
conda activate aic23
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 cudatoolkit=11.0 -c pytorch
cd retailcounter
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
cd ..
Note: for newer devices, such as the NVIDIA RTX 3090, you may use Pytorch 1.10 with cudatoolkit 11.3.
Download the track 4 dataset from the 2023 AI City Challenge.
If you do not want to train detector, You can download pretrain model from
here and Dataset
can be in
(or TestB) is sufficient.
export TRACK_4_DATA_ROOT={/path/to/track_4/root_dir}
For example: export TRACK_4_DATA_ROOT=/mnt/data/AIC22_Track4_TestA/Test_A
cd retailcounter
python --detector
Alternatively, you may train detector at your own
Run: To create Video Inpainting follow the steps from the GitHub repo mentioned below
git clone
python --video_id $TRACK_4_DATA_ROOT/video_id.txt
file is available in AIC22_Track4_TestA
and contain video IDs and video file names (in the same directory)
python --video_id $TRACK_4_DATA_ROOT/video_id.txt
Arguments --roi_seed
can be set (two values) - it specifies seed position for ROI detection (white tray) in format x y
python --video_id $TRACK_4_DATA_ROOT/video_id.txt
Parameters --tracker
and --img_size
can be set. The values are pre-set to tracker = BYTE, img_size = 640
All scripts are set as the result was reported to AI City Challenge and no arguments must be set (only --video_id
cd retailcounter
cp Track4/Train_SynData/segmentation_labels/
cd Track4/Train_SynData/segmentation_labels
cd retailcounter
cp Track4/Train_SynData/syn_image_train/
cd Track4/Train_SynData/syn_image_train
- Download pretrained-model models without detector
- Prepare AI City Challenge dataset as described above
- Create dataset
python --t_4_track {/path/to/AIC_Track4/Train_SynData}
- Train detector In order to train the detector you need to follow this GitHub repo of YOLOV8 mentioned below
git clone
Arguments --batch_size
and --epochs
can be set. Explicit values are batch_size = 16, epochs = 75
- Instance segmentation: MMdetection
- Inpainting: VideoInpainting
- Detector: YOLOX, YOLOV8
- Trackers: SORT, DEEPSORT
If you found our work useful, please cite our paper:
author = {Arpita Vats and David C. Anastasiu},
title = {Enhancing Retail Checkout through Video Inpainting, YOLOv8 Detection, and DeepSort Tracking},
volume = {1},
month = {July},
booktitle = {2023 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops},
series = {CVPRW'23},
year = {2023},
pages = {},
location = {Vancouver, Canada}