AKA Steam for Salesforce
Ok, lets be real, this is nowhere near as incredible as Steam, BUT! It does try and solve some core issues that Salesforce Solution Engineers Deal with.
- Allows you to auto-discover what is installed on your org.
- Gives you a single interface to install small demo components from code to Salesforce AppExchange apps.
- Tracks and notifies you when Updates are available (SFDX Projects Only)
- Allows you to add new components to your org from a source code repository (Currently Github Only).
- Provides the capabilities for Post-Install Activies to be performed (Coming Soon!)
NOTE: This Package depends upon a Deploy to SFDX Project Fork that manages the installation of source code to the org
CLICK HERE TO INSTALL (v0.1.0-1) (Beta)
NOTE: Make sure you select "Compile only the Apex in the package" under Advanced options
Until the Post-Install Activities feature is implemented, the "Demo_Component_Manager" Permission set must be added to your administrative users.
The Main App Page allows you to navigate the available components, installed components, and add new components.
The Component Page allows you to install the package, see any dependencies, and other package information.
If you want to contribute to this project, please feel free to fork, or contact davidlarrimore@gmail.com