Experimental plugin for writing fiction using YAML, Markdown, and related tools. Wrytedown is a structure and conventions meant to be usable across platforms and editors in the spirit of Sustainable Authorship.
- Snippets for adding TODO-style comments
- Setup
- Payoff
- Card (as defined by Blake Snyder for Beat Sheets)
- Scene (as defined by Dwight Swain)
- Sequel (as defined by Dwight Swain)
- Idea
- Synopsis
- Note
- Rewrite
- Remove
- Review
- Hook
- Highlighting for the above snippets
There's a great post on the Atom.io discussion forum about Using Atom for academic writing that provides a nice little list of other Atom packages for use with writing. I've selected a few here that I feel apply equally well to writing fiction in YAML/Markdown using Atom.
- advanced-open-file to quickly create new files.
- document-outline to display a hierarchical, interactive outline tree view for document markup.
- editorconfig to maintain consistent Markdown / YAML styles across editors.
- linter-languagetool for spell & grammar checking using LanguageTool (you'll need to install LanguageTool separately).
- typewriter to center the text in the editor.
- wordcount because you just need this as a writer.
- wrap-with-anything to text selections instead of replacing them when certain characters are typed.
- zen for distraction free writing.