This is an example integrating Sauce automated browser testing with the Jasmine testing framework for JavaScript. It was developed for my article on the Object Partners blog:
./gradlew clean jettyRun
Then visit the following URL in your browser: http://localhost:8080/SpecRunner.html
Great, the Jasmine tests pass. Hit Cntl-C to get out of Gradle.
./gradlew clean test
./gradlew clean test -Dgeb.env=windows-ie-8 -Dsauce.username=your_username -Dsauce.apiKey=aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-ffffffffffff
Surprisingly, the tests fail on IE. Let's see what's going on...
open build/reports/gebTest/geb/JasmineSpec/*.png
This is a little overkill. We don't need Geb to run Selenium tests... but it sure is easy. Also, we probably don't need to build a full WAR and start up Jetty... but it doesn't hurt for the sake of example.
You can try it out in a Jenkins job by getting Vagrant and running the following command:
vagrant up
Then visit http://localhost:9099.
Again, overkill. But pretty cool.