nvim config, crafted for nightly builds only! Configured in lua.
Don't use what you don't understand.
pictured: neovim running in Wezterm using font Maple Mono and colorscheme vim-colors-meh.
Tabline: the cwd is a project root;dev
branch; there is one dirty buffer out of four total; and we are connected to nvim.sock
Winbar: Tree-sitter highlighting is enabled, orange filenames are dirty files, and there are no diagnostic issues.
Signs: gitsigns is active.
Status: Normal mode;type
is searched with one occurrence found; ruler
Tool | Link |
Plugin manager | lazy.nvim |
Colorscheme | vim-colors-meh |
Status/tab/winbar | heirline.nvim |
LSP/tool manager | mason.nvim |
Local LSP | efm-langserver |
File finder | fzf-lua |
- all mappings in mappings.lua
- if using my dotfiles, e is the preferred way to open files.
- it will create a new
if one does not exist - it will use a single nvim instance over the socket otherwise
- it will create a new
- if using my wezterm config,
will toggle the terminal and neovim theme between light and dark mode. - lsp/tool config is done in dko/tools.lua
- coc.nvim for JS/TS(x) and JSON as it runs much faster for large codebases
- can still trigger regular nvim-cmp completions for other LSPs using
- can still trigger regular nvim-cmp completions for other LSPs using
- coc.nvim for JS/TS(x) and JSON as it runs much faster for large codebases
- formatting is handled in dko/utils/format.lua
- of note is a pipeline that runs, based on project configuration one of:
- eslint exclusively
- eslint followed by prettier, or
- prettier exclusively
- of note is a pipeline that runs, based on project configuration one of: