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Simple snap packaging for electron-forge that just works


  • Ensure that snapcraft is installed via snap (the .deb version of snap is now deprecated)


yarn add @davidwinter/electron-forge-maker-snap --dev


npm install @davidwinter/electron-forge-maker-snap --dev


You can read more about Makers config on the electron-forge website, but essentially the config required is:

	name: '@davidwinter/electron-forge-maker-snap',
	config: {
		categories: ['Utility']
		// See below for more configuration options

Then make your snap package:

electron-forge make --target="@davidwinter/electron-forge-maker-snap"

Once completed, the snap package will be located at: out/make with a filename like {executable}-{version}.snap, for example, out/make/nimblenote-2.0.3.snap.

Using with CI

When using this maker with CI, such as GitHub Actions, CircleCI etc, it is best practice to tell snapcraft to build snaps in the host build environment. To do this, set the environment variable SNAP_BUILD_ENVIRONMENT=host.

An example that works with GitHub Actions:

- name: Install snapcraft
  run: sudo snap install snapcraft --classic

- name: Build snap package
  run: yarn make

- name: Upload snap artifact
  uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
    path: out/make/*.snap


Run with DEBUG='electron-forge-maker-snap:*,electron-forge:lifecycle' for debug output from snapcraft:

DEBUG='electron-forge-maker-snap:*,electron-forge:lifecycle' electron-forge make --target="@davidwinter/electron-forge-maker-snap"

Appending the ,electron-forge:lifecycle debug namespace above is required in order to see this makers debug output. Otherwise by default, during the electron-forge output, any other debug messages are suppressed so that it doesn't interfere with the CLI interface. Adding this additional namespace acts as a flag to enable the debug output in a safe way.


The maker will try and figure out a bunch of sensible defaults for your config, but the following values can be overridden.


Type: string
Default: From the derived appName value from the electron-forge configuration.

Maximum length of 40 characters.

This is the human friendly name of the application, also the title that will be used for the Snapstore and .desktop integration with Linux distributions.

Example: Acme Notes 3


Type: string
Default: A sanatised version of applicationName with invalid characters removed and spaces replaced with dashes.

Can only contain letters in lower case, numbers, and hyphens, and it can’t start or end with a hyphen. Automatic sanitation will be applied.

Example: acme-notes-3


Type: string
Default: strict

The snap confinement can be either strict, devmode or classic.


Type: string
Default: stable

The snap grade can be either stable or devel.


Type: string
Default: Derived from description within package.json.

Maximum length of 78 characters.

This is used by the Snap Store as the application summary and is mandatory.

Example: Write your best notes with Acme Notes v3!


Type: string
Default: Derived from description within package.json.

This can be a multi-line description of the application and is used by the Snap Store.


Type: string
Default: Derived from license within package.json.

A license for the snap in the form of an SPDX expression for the license.

Example: MIT


Type: string
Default: Derived from icon within your electron-forge packagerConfig, appending a .png extension if required.

The application icon used within the Snap Store and also with the Linux distribution desktop integration via the .desktop file - what appears in menus and docks.

Example: ./build/icon.png


Type: array of string
Default: []

These categories define which menus the application belongs to on a Linux distribution. See:

Example: ['Utility', 'Development']


Type: array of string
Default: ['libnss3', 'libnspr4', 'libasound2', 'libgconf2-4', 'libnotify4', 'libpcre3', 'libpulse0', 'libxss1', 'libxtst6']

List of additional packages required to support creationg of the app. If you want to add packages in addition to the default, add an item named default, for example: ['default', 'libxfixes3'].


Type: array of string
Default: ['alsa', 'browser-support', 'desktop', 'desktop-legacy', 'gsettings', 'home', 'network', 'opengl', 'pulseaudio', 'unity7', 'wayland', 'x11']

List of additional plugs to include in the snap. If you want to add plugs in addition to the default, add an item named default, for example: ['default', 'media-hub'] to add the media-hub plug in addition to all of the defaults.


Type: object

See Snap layouts. Define in the same format described on that page.