This site has been a work in progress since 2014. I have tried to make updates to reflect a) my knowledge of web development and b) current best practices. It will continue to evolve a as a WIP guided by the following design goals.
- use JSON resume instead of reinventing the wheel (perform literature search for wiki data resume standard).
- Fix navbar (use nav provided by template) -> Reduce Bundle size.
- Separate concerns better in src/data. Some files are data, others are template variables.
- Get better at redefining duplicate types. They are especially prevalent in resume components.
- Make code splitting better - some bundles are under 1KB.
- Make styles more modular.
- Make FA integration less terrible (consider building FA library).
- Simplify Favicon. See:
- Better tests
- one test per component.
- test using puppeteer again.
- test cross browser compatibility.
- Use google lighthouse.
- Introduce a spell checker.
- Completely gut and redo server integration, use JWT
- auto deploy backend, keep frontend on CDN.
- revisit posts/blog
- put one or two examples up from my knowledge base.
Don't allow pushes to main.
Generate releases using github action (increment version in package.json too) using semantic versioning.
Add contributing guidelines.
encourage more PRs that support this roadmap / pay bug bounties.
Build something that allows people to propose changes.
Make main / server distinction cleaner -> make sure PRs to main also land in server.
Implement better analytics
Capture information about the community of people that have cloned this site.
- Use typescript everywhere instead of Vanilla JS/JSX - will this hinder new developer experience?
- Add support for more exotic integrations (reason, webassembly).
- hydrate all unique content on the site from one location -> deploy as npm package + json.
- Use husky for git pre-commit hooks.