A minimal PSR-11 implementation.
- ✔️ Autowiring (powered by Reflection)
- ✔️ Simple API (only 3 methods)
- ✔️ Container can be built from definitions
- ✔️ Singletons
- ✔️ Detects circular dependencies
- ⏳ Compilable for production
- ⏳ PHPStan generics support for container bindings
Infuse has a very minimal API with only has three methods:
* Finds an entry of the container by its identifier and returns it.
* @param string $id identifier of the entry to look for
* @return mixed entry
* @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface no entry was found for the provided identifier
* @throws ContainerExceptionInterface error while retrieving the entry
public function get(string $id): mixed;
* Returns true if the container can return an entry for the given identifier.
* Returns false otherwise.
* `has($id)` returning true does not mean that `get($id)` will not throw an exception.
* It does however mean that `get($id)` will not throw a `NotFoundExceptionInterface`.
* @param string $id identifier of the entry to look for
public function has(string $id): bool;
* @param \Closure(Container): mixed $definition
* @throws ContainerExceptionInterface if provided id is not unique
public function bind(string $id, \Closure $definition): void;
use Infuse\Container;
$container = new Container();
// Container::bind tells the Container how to build a Bar object
$container->bind(Bar::class, function () {
return new Bar();
// Container::has checks if there's a binding with the provided id
$container->has(Bar::class); // true
// the callable parameter receives the Container itself as argument
$container->bind(Foo::class, function (Container $c) {
$bar = $c->get(Bar::class);
return new Foo($bar):
// Container::get retrieves an instance from the Container, the bound callable will be called at this moment
$foo = $container->get(Foo::class);
$isFoo = $foo instanceof Foo; // true
// This will throw a ContainerException, ids must be unique
$container->bind(Bar::class, function (Container $c) {
return new Bar();
// This will throw a NotFoundException, this id has not been bound
// You can bind basically anything
$container->bind('some_array', fn () => ['hello' => 'world']);
$container->bind('some_scalar', fn () => 42);
You can also create a ready to use Container from a definitions array:
// definitions.php
use Infuse\Container;
// should be shaped as array<string, callable>
return [
GeoLocationService::class => function (Container $c) {
$config = $c->get('config');
return new GeoLocationService($config['GEOLOCATION_API_KEY']);
'config' => function () {
return [
// something.php
use Infuse\ContainerFactory;
$definitions = require __DIR__ . '/definitions.php';
$container = ContainerFactory::FromDefinitions($definitions);
$container->has('config'); // true
$container->has(GeoLocationService::class); // true
Mark your classes with the Singleton attribute to always receive the same instance:
use Infuse\Attributes\Singleton;
class SomeSingleton {}
$container = new Container();
$sameInstance = $container->get(SomeSingleton::class);
$asThisOne = $container->get(SomeSingleton::class);
The recommended way to install Infuse is through Composer.
composer require infuse-di/infuse
To execute the test suite, you'll need to install all development dependencies.
git clone https://github.com/davisenra/infuse
composer install
composer test
This project is licensed under the MIT license. See License File for more information.