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CI Packagist PHP License

Infuse 🍃

A minimal PSR-11 implementation.


  • ✔️ Autowiring (powered by Reflection)
  • ✔️ Simple API (only 3 methods)
  • ✔️ Container can be built from definitions
  • ✔️ Singletons
  • ✔️ Detects circular dependencies
  • ⏳ Compilable for production
  • ⏳ PHPStan generics support for container bindings


Infuse has a very minimal API with only has three methods:

 * Finds an entry of the container by its identifier and returns it.
 * @param string $id identifier of the entry to look for
 * @return mixed entry
 * @throws NotFoundExceptionInterface  no entry was found for the provided identifier
 * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface error while retrieving the entry
public function get(string $id): mixed;

 * Returns true if the container can return an entry for the given identifier.
 * Returns false otherwise.
 * `has($id)` returning true does not mean that `get($id)` will not throw an exception.
 * It does however mean that `get($id)` will not throw a `NotFoundExceptionInterface`.
 * @param string $id identifier of the entry to look for
public function has(string $id): bool;

 * @param \Closure(Container): mixed $definition
 * @throws ContainerExceptionInterface if provided id is not unique
public function bind(string $id, \Closure $definition): void;


use Infuse\Container;

$container = new Container();

// Container::bind tells the Container how to build a Bar object
$container->bind(Bar::class, function () {
    return new Bar();

// Container::has checks if there's a binding with the provided id
$container->has(Bar::class); // true

// the callable parameter receives the Container itself as argument
$container->bind(Foo::class, function (Container $c) {
    $bar = $c->get(Bar::class);
    return new Foo($bar):

// Container::get retrieves an instance from the Container, the bound callable will be called at this moment
$foo = $container->get(Foo::class);
$isFoo = $foo instanceof Foo; // true

// This will throw a ContainerException, ids must be unique
$container->bind(Bar::class, function (Container $c) {
    return new Bar();

// This will throw a NotFoundException, this id has not been bound

// You can bind basically anything
$container->bind('some_array', fn () => ['hello' => 'world']);
$container->bind('some_scalar', fn () => 42);

You can also create a ready to use Container from a definitions array:

// definitions.php

use Infuse\Container;

// should be shaped as array<string, callable>

return [
    GeoLocationService::class => function (Container $c) {
        $config = $c->get('config');
        return new GeoLocationService($config['GEOLOCATION_API_KEY']);
    'config' => function () {
        return [
// something.php
use Infuse\ContainerFactory;

$definitions = require __DIR__ . '/definitions.php';
$container = ContainerFactory::FromDefinitions($definitions);
$container->has('config'); // true
$container->has(GeoLocationService::class); // true

Mark your classes with the Singleton attribute to always receive the same instance:

use Infuse\Attributes\Singleton;

class SomeSingleton {}

$container = new Container();
$sameInstance = $container->get(SomeSingleton::class);
$asThisOne = $container->get(SomeSingleton::class);


The recommended way to install Infuse is through Composer.

composer require infuse-di/infuse


To execute the test suite, you'll need to install all development dependencies.

git clone
composer install
composer test


This project is licensed under the MIT license. See License File for more information.