- Azure DevOps
- Install latest version Terraform
- Install latest version JMeter
- Install latest version Postman
- Install latest version Selenium
- Python
- Install latest version Azure command line interface
1 Clone this repository
2 Login into your azure account: az login -u "username" -p "password"
3 Create service principal or use the one you already have:
4 cd /terraform/environments/test && bash configure-tfstate-storage-account.sh
5 Make an azureCredentials.conf
file that contains variables to be uploaded and used as group variables in pipline.
The file looks like this:
storage_account_name = "tfstate1216731519"
container_name = "tfstate"
key = "terraform.tfstate"
access_key = "fdHvTyBUbM/QQq8MXDfezwsQQqVBXg7xZF4pSc0gAXnAzNb7djPd0gA+0LLQCNkPa2QQiXBlnkzB+ASt9z9jnQ=="
Azure subscription vars
subscription_id = "ae905fde-e5ea-40f0-a6db-35397678cc4c"
client_id = "5e3a010b-f12a-4b7b-8c84-63101995f0e3"
client_secret = "-w18Q~iUxAOS2ly-YJUD7MeItyTXQ-e5l1V8Xc1Q"
tenant_id = "f958e84a-92b8-439f-a62d-4f45996b6d07"
6 Create ssh key
ssh-keygen -t rsa
7 Update the following fields in main.tf and/or terraform.tfvars file.
parameter | Link |
subscription_id | subscription id |
client_id | service principal client app id |
client_secret | service principal password |
tenant_id | service principal tenandt id |
location | location |
resource_group | Resource Group |
application_type | Name of the APP - must be unique |
virtual_network_name | Name of the VNet |
public_key_path | path of the id_rsa.pub file |
8 Login to azure DevOps organization.
9 Create a service connection
10 Create self-host Agent Pool: Follow the step Azure pipeline agent Here
11 Install the following on the Agent pool
sudo apt-get -y install zip
curl -sL https://aka.ms/InstallAzureCLIDeb | sudo bash
sudo apt-get install npm
12 Create a new pipeline.
- Select you GitHub repository.
- Select azure pipelines YAML file
13 Create a new environment.
14 From the environment select the VM created from terraform apply. Log into the VM with and paste the registration script
ssh username@publicIP
15 From Pipeline create a variable group and upload the file
16 Run the pipeline.
- Successful pipeline run
1 Endurance Testing
Validation test Publish test result
Copy the app service url and https://udacity-appservice.azurewebsites.net/jyt. This will create a 404 error and triger the email.
Set up log analytics workspace properly to get logs: Go to Virtual Machines and Connect the VM created on Terraform to the Workspace.
Set up custom logging , in the log analytics workspace go to. In this case custom log name is seleniumUI_CL.
Custom Logs > Add + > Choose File. Select the file selenium-test.log > Next > Put in the following paths as type Linux: /var/log/selenium/selenium-test.log.
Go to Log Analytics Workspace , to run the following queries:
AppServiceHTTPLogs |where _SubscriptionId contains "sub_id" | where ScStatus == '404'