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Benchmarking the Sim-to-Real Gap in Cloth Manipulation

This repository contains the code for the paper "Benchmarking the Sim-to-Real Gap in Cloth Manipulation".

D. Blanco-Mulero, O. Barbany, G. Alcan, A. Colomé, C. Torras and V. Kyrki, "Benchmarking the Sim-to-Real Gap in Cloth Manipulation," in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 2981-2988, March 2024, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2024.3360814

Project Website / Pre-print / Published Version

Table of Contents


Conda and repository setup

It is recommended to first set a conda environment with pip and a Python version offering compatibility, e.g., by running:

conda env create -f bcm.yml
conda activate bcm

Then, clone this repository, start the submodules and install its contents as follows:

git clone
cd dynamic_dual_manip
git submodule init
git submodule update
/path_to_your_conda_env/bin/pip install -e .

Softgym installation

For setting up the SoftGym environment follow the instructions on the repository. If you run into some issues you can double-check this blog from Daniel Takeshi.

As a note, we have found issues while trying to install PyFlex on graphic cards of the series RTX 3xxx.

Once SoftGym is compiled, it may be useful to set the environment variables once inside the conda environment. To do that, move to the root of the repository, activate the bcm environment, and execute:

conda env config vars set PYFLEXROOT=${PWD}/deps/softgym/PyFlex
conda env config vars set PYTHONPATH=${PYFLEXROOT}/bindings/build:$PYTHONPATH
conda env config vars set LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PYFLEXROOT}/external/SDL2-2.0.4/lib/x64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Then, reset your environment for the changes to take effect.

You need to install the dependency of softgym for it to run or add the softgym directory to the PYTHONPATH:

export PYTHONPATH=/path_to_folder/bcm/deps/softgym:$PYTHONPATH

SOFA installation

We provide a Docker file containing the required packages to run SofaPython3 and the bcm package installed onto the docker. First you need to build the sofa_py3 docker using

docker build -t sofa_py3 -f sofapy3_Dockerfile .

Then you can build the bcm SOFA docker by running

docker build -t bcm_sofa -f bcm_sp3_Dockerfile .

SOFA local installation

In case that you want to build SOFA locally, follow the SOFA installation alongside with the changes required for the SofaPython3 package.

You will need to change in the Cmake the following:

Pybind11 - /path_to_anaconda/envs/pytorch3d/share/cmake/pybind11/pybind11Config.cmake

To run SOFA you will need to add the following

export SOFA_ROOT="${oc.env:HOME}/projects/bcm/deps/sofa/build/install"
export PYTHONPATH=${oc.env:HOME}/bcm/deps/sofa/build/install/plugins/SofaPython3/lib/python3/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH

Code Usage

Usage Without Docker

If you want to run Bullet or MuJoCo you can do it without the softgym or SOFA docker we provide. For running SOFA check

We use hydra to easily switch between environments. For example to simply run the dynamic manipulation primitive using MuJoCo you can use

python -m bcm envs=mujoco3 primitive=dynamic cloth_sample=chequered_rag_0 target=None plot=True

This will execute the dynamic primitive and render the environment.

Use the cloth_sample argument to set the fitted parameters into the simulator, e.g. cloth_sample=chequered_rag_0. If you set cloth_sample=None the simulation will run with default parameters that do not correspond to any of the dataset cloths.

You can check the default configuration in the file bcm.conf.config.yaml The additional arguments are

- save_gif=True | False (default)
- envs= bullet  | sofa | softgym | mujoco (default)
- primitive = dynamic | quasi-static
- cloth_sample = None | chequered_rag_0 | cotton_rag_0 | linen_rag_0
- target = None | chequered_rag_# | cotton_rag_# | linen_rag_#
- data_path = Path to the benchmark dataset, e.g. `${oc.env:HOME}/datasets/Benchmarking_cloth`
- --multirun: Used to optimise the parameters of a simulator given a target cloth.
- hydra/sweeper/sampler= gpyopt | cmaes | pymoo | botorch

If you want to compare against one of the dataset cloths, set the target to the specific cloth. where the number of the cloth type to compare against is selected from 0-2, e.g. target=linen_rag_2.

Run SOFA with Docker

The following steps are to run BCM using the terminal inside the SOFA docker. First, to run the docker we need to attach the dataset and the BCM repo

docker run -v ${HOME}/datasets/Benchmarking_cloth/:/builds/datasets/Benchmarking_cloth/ -v ${PWD}:/builds/bcm/ \
-v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \
-e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 -w /builds/bcm \
-it bcm_sofa:latest bash

Then run the code using the following.

python -m bcm envs=sofa primitive=dynamic cloth_sample=chequered_rag_0 target=None data_path=/builds/datasets/Benchmarking_cloth

Example environments









Real World Demonstration



  author={Blanco-Mulero, David and Barbany, Oriol and Alcan, Gokhan and Colomé, Adrià and Torras, Carme and Kyrki, Ville},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, 
  title={Benchmarking the Sim-to-Real Gap in Cloth Manipulation}, 
  keywords={Manipulator dynamics;Trajectory;Task analysis;Benchmark testing;Fabrics;Dynamics;Engines;Data sets for robot learning;bimanual manipulation;deformable object manipulation},