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Browser notifications for PlanetSide 2 alerts 🚨


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Browser notifications for PlanetSide 2 alerts.

Introduction allows a user to receive push notifications for PlanetSide 2 alerts in their browser. The application achieves this by leveraging Service Workers, the IndexedDB API, Web Storage API, Push API, Notifications API and Push Services.


The project has several components:

  1. Web application (frontend -

    • Users select the PlanetSide 2 server(s) to subscribe to alert notifications for and a Service Worker is registered to receive push notifications.
  2. MongoDB (Backend):

    • A user's chosen server(s) to subscribe to alert notifications for and subscription data (forming the Notify model) are stored in the database.

    • The web application and consumer interact with the database. Adding and removing Notify documents and retrieving them respectively.

  3. RabbitMQ (Backend):

    • A messaging broker where MetagameEvents (alerts) are sent from the publisher to a queue which is then consumed.
  4. Publisher (Backend):

    • Connects to the PlanetSide 2 WebSocket Event Stream and listens for MetagameEvents. When a MetagameEvent has the property started, the publisher sends the MetagameEvent to the queue.
  5. Consumer (Backend):

    • Watches the RabbitMQ queue for MetagameEvents. When a MetagameEvent occurs in the queue, find all Notify documents that are subscribed to push notifications for the server which the MetagameEvent is occurring on and send a push notification to each.

The following image provides a high level overview of the components and how they interact with one another to send a push notification.

How does send a push notification and what data is stored/collected?

The process of subscribing to push notifications is as follows:

  1. A Service Worker is registered in the browser. The Service Worker is responsible for:

    • Saving subscription data in the browser (more on this below).

    • Handling incoming push notifications from a push service.

  2. The chosen server(s) are retrieved and a subscription is created. The subscription contains an endpoint and encryption keys for sending a push notification securely.

  3. The subscription data is saved in the browser using IndexedDB to handle future subscription updates. Details on this can be found in #3.

  4. The chosen server(s) and subscription data are then sent to in JSON format:

    {"subscription": {
        "keys": {
            "auth": "Ma--_fi1qKbIkRR-BWdjaL",
            "p256dh": "ALazAmWPKHJgS5RIpUTrokhJ-2F36BgtS4yHJ2i5wYFM12Rw5Dq6JgN0MZS-5XAtzOkA0fjd82_qDZ13u9R_ki0"
        "endpoint": ""
    }, "servers": [ "13" ]}


    Once steps 1-4 have occurred, the webpage can be closed. The beauty of the Service Worker is that it awakes when it receives a push notification from the push service (as long as the browser is running).

  5. When an alert occurs for a server, all users subscribed to push notifications for that server are sent a push notification. The consumer is responsible for sending the push notification to the push service, which handles delivery of the notification to the user's browser.

The images below (from Google Developers) provide a graphical representation of how a push notification is sent to a push service and handled by a Service Worker.


The project stack can be deployed locally using Docker.


  1. A Daybreak Games Census API Service ID.

    • You can sign up for one here.
  2. Node.js installed on your machine to perform step 3.

  3. Install web-push to generate VAPID public and private keys:

    npx web-push generate-vapid-keys
  4. Modify the .env file providing all environment variables.

  5. Modify frontend/index.js and frontend/sw.js const publicVapidKey = ""; with your generated VAPID public key.


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone && cd
  2. Bring up the project stack:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose-dev.yaml up -d --build

The frontend will then be available at: http://localhost:8080


This project is licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 - see the LICENSE for details.