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Auxiliary Operators

Rascat edited this page Nov 23, 2018 · 2 revisions

This section provides an overview of auxiliary operators, which operate on a single GraphCollection or LogicalGraph.

Auxiliary Operators


Applies a given unary graph to graph operator (e.g. aggregate) on each logical graph a graph collection.

Method Expects Returns
apply ApplicableUnaryGraphToGraphOperator GraphCollection with resulting logical graphs.

Provided unary graph to graph operators:

Operator Description
ApplyAggregation Takes a collection of logical graphs and user defined aggregate functions as input. The aggregate functions are applied on each logical graph contained in the collection and the aggregate is stored as additional properties at the graphs.
ApplySubgraph Uses a vertex filter function and an edge filter function to create a subgraph from a given LogicalGraph.
ApplyTransformation Applies a given graph transformation function on on all logical graphs in a graph collection.


Transforms a graph collection into a logical graph by applying a binary graph to graph operator pairwise on the elements of the collection.

Method Expects Returns
reduce ReducibleBinaryGraphToGraphOperator LogicalGraph

Provided reducible graph to graph operators:

Operator Description
ReduceCombination Creates a new logical graph by unifying the vertex and edge sets of all graphs contained in the given collection.
ReduceExclusion Creates a new logical graph that contains only vertices and edges that are contained in the starting graph but not in any other graph that is part of the given collection.
ReduceOverlap Creates a new logical graph containing the overlapping vertex and edge sets of the graphs contained in the given collection. Vertex and edge equality is based on their respective identifiers.


Method Expects Returns
callForCollection UnaryCollectionToCollectionOperator Resulting GraphCollection of given operator.
callForCollection Binary collection to collection operator and second input collection (GraphCollection) for operator. Resulting GraphCollection of given operator.
callForGraph UnaryCollectionToGraphOperator Resulting LogicalGraph of given operator.