Welcome! This is an index of all the projects I have completed or am currently working on. I have also included additional coding challenges and articles written I have written. Several of these projects may have been updated since its first installment. Feel free to browse or reach out with any questions.
Here is a list of the certifications, lessons, and projects I've completed through Free Code Camp.
Responsive Web Design Certification
- Tribute Page: Avicii Tribute Page
- Survey Form: Coffee Survey Form
- Product Landing Page: Natural Suds Soap Landing Page
- Technical Documentation: HTML Documentation Page
JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification
Completed Lessons:
- Sass
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- React
- Redux
- Bootstrap & Accessibility
- CSS Grids
- Flexbox
- JavaScript
- jQuery
- Matter
- node
- React
- Robo Friends
- Coding Nexus Bootcamp: Currently working with a team to build
- Sass
- Tailwind
I write tech-related materials to help others who are joining the field. You can read through my published work at Medium.
Follow me on Twitter for tech-related tweets. I just completed the 100 Days of Code Challenge where I code for at least one hour every day for 100 days. I am working on completing another round.