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CalCount (cals) is a simple python3 CLI app to track calories, protein, and weight progress.


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Keep track of calories, protein, and weight loss/gain.

CalCount (cals) is a simple python3 CLI app to track calories, protein, and weight progress.

Data persists using a SQLite database, $HOME/.calorie_log.db.

Currently only handles imperial units.

Setup 🔧

Clone the repo and change to directory:

git clone && cd calcount


If running MacOS or Linux, and using bash or zsh, can be run to quickly make the script available in $PATH.

Add exec permissions and run

chmod +x ./ && ./

This will install dependencies and install the script as cals in ~/bin, as well as add to bash or zsh $PATH.


usage: [-h] [--init] [-z] [-a A A A] [-r R R R] [-l [L]] [-w [W]] [-x]

cals -- track calories, protein, and weight loss/gain

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --init      calculate TDEE and set weekly weight loss goal
  -z          use a zigzag diet instead of flat CICO
  -a A A A    add a caloric entry ['food name' calories protein]
  -r R R R    remove a caloric entry ['food name' calories protein]
  -l [L]      list calorie info for day(s)
  -w [W]      input weight into weight log
  -x          export calorie history to csv

Usage examples:

    Add bar with 190kcal and 16g protein:
    	cals -a 'Protein Bar' 190 16

    Remove the entry from previous example:
    	cals -r 'Protein Bar' 190 16

    Print calorie log tables for past 3 days:
    	cals -l 3

    Add a weight record of 142.7 to the table:
    	cals -w 142.7

    Display weight log and total weight loss/gain:
    	cals -w

Calculating TDEE/BMR/Daily Caloric Goal

On first run, invoke with --init to calculate TDEE and BMR, as well as set a weight loss goal:

cals --init

The script will prompt user for data such as age, sex, height, weight, daily activity level, and a weight loss goal (lb/week). Currently only handles imperial unit input.

This information is used to calculate BMR using the Harris-Benedict Equation and TDEE using activity multipliers.

Caloric goal is calculated assuming a deficit of 500kcal/day results in ~1lb of weight loss/week.

This data can be overridden by repeating this process, as calculations are made using the most recent entry in the table.

ZigZag Diet

--init without -z spreads the caloric defecit evenly across each day of the week, standard CICO.

--init with -z will implement a ZigZag diet strategy, spreading the defecit in a zigzagging pattern across each day of the week.


Assuming a TDEE of 2577 and weekly weight loss goal of 2 lbs

Each item in array represents calorie limit for a day of the week.

cals --init will yield an array of:

[1577, 1577, 1577, 1577, 1577, 1577, 1577]

cals --init -z will yield an array of:

[1182.8, 1478.4, 887.1, 2464.1, 1478.4, 1971.2, 1577]

Adding Food to Log

Invoke with -a to add a food entry to the daily log.

To add a protein bar with 190kcal and 16g protein:

cals -a 'Protein Bar' 190 16

To add an egg with 63kcal and 7g protein:

cals -a egg 63 7

Removing Food from Log

To remove an egg with 63kcal and 7g protein:

cals -r egg 63 7

Caution, if there are multiple entries matching the criteria on the daily log, this will delete those duplicates as well.

For example, given the following daily log:

    Calorie Log: 2022-05-04     
┃    Food ┃ Calories ┃ Protein ┃
│  Olives │   50kcal │      0g │
│ fabcake │  420kcal │     20g │
│    dupe │   10kcal │     10g │
│    dupe │   10kcal │     10g │

cals -r dupe 10 10 will yield:

    Calorie Log: 2022-05-04     
┃    Food ┃ Calories ┃ Protein ┃
│  Olives │   50kcal │      0g │
│ fabcake │  420kcal │     20g │

Viewing Logs

The daily log can be viewed by invoking with -l.

To view previous tables, invoke with -l n, where n is the number of tables to view.

For example, cals -l 3 will display tables for the past 3 days.

$ cals -l

      Calorie Log: 2022-04-29      
┃       Food ┃ Calories ┃ Protein ┃
│ Protein Bar│  190kcal │     16g │
│ egg        │   63kcal │      7g │
Total: 253 calories / 23g protein          
1560 calories remaining
$ cals -l 2

      Calorie Log: 2022-04-28      
┃       Food ┃ Calories ┃ Protein ┃
│ Tofu Salad │  500kcal │      7g │
│ Soup       │  190kcal │     15g │
| Protein Bar|  190kcal |     20g |
│ Beer       │  200kcal │      0g │
Total: 1080 calories / 42g protein          
733 calories remaining

      Calorie Log: 2022-04-29      
┃       Food ┃ Calories ┃ Protein ┃
│ Protein Bar│  190kcal │     16g │
│ egg        │   63kcal │      7g │
Total: 253 calories / 23g protein          
1560 calories remaining

Logging and Viewing Weight Progress

Invoke with -w n, where n is weight to be recorded.

To add a weight entry of 148 lbs to the table:

cals -w 148

Invoking without arguments will print a table of weight entries/dates, as well as calculate and display total weight loss/gain.

$ cals -w

      Weight Log       
┃       Date ┃ Weight ┃
│ 2022-05-03 │    149 │
│ 2022-05-04 │  148.3 │

Recorded loss: 0.7 lbs


CalCount (cals) is a simple python3 CLI app to track calories, protein, and weight progress.







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