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File metadata and controls

211 lines (164 loc) · 7.85 KB


Polee is an alternative methodology for the analysis of RNA-Seq data. A lot of RNA-Seq analyses do not consider the full likelihood, but instead take a two-step approach of first estimating transcript or gene expression then treating those estimates as observations in subsequent analysis. This is more efficient than a full probabilistic model encompassing all the reads in the experiment, but does not fully account for uncertainty. To overcome this shortcoming Polee makes a compact and efficient approximation of the likelihood function, and substitutes it in place of the real thing. The end result is more accurate analysis of RNA-Seq (e.g., differential expression) while remaining tractable on inexpensive computers.


Polee is installable through the Julia package manager, but is meant to be run primarily as a command line script, so there are a couple extra steps involved.

First install the julia package like so

import Pkg
Pkg.add(Pkg.PackageSpec(name="Polee", url=""))

Then install the command line script. By default this will put it in $HOME/bin, but an alternative path can be passed to the install_polee_script function.

import Polee

# Install to an alternative location


Approximating likelihood

Before running models, each sample must be "prepared", by approximating the likelihood function and storing a representation.

Likelihood approximation assumes reads are alignments in BAM files, which need not be sorted, and can be alignments to a transcriptome to genome. If aligned to a genome you must also provide transcript annotations as GFF3 file.

If using genome alignments, the command looks like

polee prep-sample -o prepared-sample.h5 genome.fa reads.bam annotations.gff3

And if using transcriptome alignments,

polee prep-sample -o prepared-sample.h5 transcriptome.fa reads.bam

Either of these commands will output a file prepared-sample.h5 which should be just a few megabytes and be a self-contained and fairly accurate approximation of the likelihood function. You won't need the reads or alignments after this.

There are few optional arguments to this command, but most aren't of interest in normal use. For example, --no-bias will disable bias modeling and save a little time but perhaps be a little less accurate.

Running regression / differential expression

Polee models are implemented in TensorFlow. You should have the the tensorflow python library installed. They are faster with GPU, but this isn't at all necessary.

TensorFlow is called from Julia through the PyCall package, so TensorFlow has to be installed for the same version of python being used by PyCall.

Polee also uses a custom TensorFlow operation written in C++. If all goes well this will get built automatically when needed.

This can fail if no C++ compiler is installed or if you have a weird version of g++ (e.g., in some versions of CentOS). In the latter case, you might see an error like

tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.NotFoundError: ./ undefined symbol: _ZN10tensorflow12OpDefBuilder5InputESs

The only way to resolve this seems to be installing a non-weird, relatively recent version of g++.

Writing experiment specification

To give models a (potentially large) list of samples along with accompanying metadata, and YAML specification file is used. Here's an example I used with a few samples from GTEx.

  - name: brain_hippocampus-33
      tissue: brain_hippocampus
    file: polee/SRR660969.prep.h5
  - name: brain_hippocampus-187
      tissue: brain_hippocampus
    file: polee/SRR1475803.prep.h5
  - name: brain_hippocampus-71
      tissue: brain_hippocampus
    file: polee/SRR1312743.prep.h5
  - name: brain_hippocampus-29
      tissue: brain_hippocampus
    file: polee/SRR660733.prep.h5
  - name: brain_amygdala-113
      tissue: brain_amygdala
    file: polee/SRR1407134.prep.h5
  - name: brain_amygdala-1
      tissue: brain_amygdala
    file: polee/SRR598124.prep.h5

Important features: there must be a top-level samples entry with a list of samples. Each sample has a file entry pointing to the file that the prep-sample command produced. Each sample also a has a name, and list of named factors that we might want to regress over.

Detecting differential transcript expression

With samples prepared and listed in a YAML file (let's call it experiment.yml), we can detect differential expression.

polee model regression \
    --factors tissue \
    --nonredundant \
    --output regression.csv \

The --factors argument accepts a comma-separated list of factors (which must be present in the YAML file) to include in the regression.

By default, regression assumes a global mean expression, and tries to detect deviation from that. The --nonredundant option changes this so that deviation is detected between the two tissues, which is a more common approach when there are only two conditions being compared.

The result of this will a be a large csv file giving the results of the results of the regression.


The model here is Bayesian linear regression on log expression values. Unlike null-hypothesis testing, we are interested in assessing probability of effect sizes. The main way significance is assessed here is with "minimum effect size" (the min_effect_size) column. "Effect size" here is the log2 fold-change. The minimum effect size is a number δ where there is a 90% probability that the true effect size is greater than δ. The 90% here is the default confidence, but it can be modified with the --min-effect-size-coverage option. For example, with --min-effect-size-coverage 0.25 the results will report a minimum effect size at 75%.

The lower_credible and upper_credible give a credible interval on the log2 fold-change. By default this is a 95% credible interval, but can be changes with the --lower-credible and --upper-credible options.

Detecting differential gene expression and isoform usage

Passing --feature gene-isoform to the regression model considers simultaneously changes in gene expression and isoform usage. If genome alignments and a GFF3 file were used, assignments of transcripts to genes uses those annotations. If transcriptome alignmennts were used, you can use the the --gene-annotations or --gene-pattern to define genes.

This regression model has two outputs. The file name given to --output will be gene differential expression, which looks much like the output from transcript regression.

The second file output to --isoform-output will give the output of regression on isoform usage, independent of gene expression. This part of the model is essentiall logistic regression, so effect sizes will be on a logit scale, and be relative to the other isoforms of the gene.

Interoperating with sleuth

Approximate likelihood can be used with sleuth, which can give more accurate transcript differential expression calls. (Gene differential expression calls seem to be somewhat worse, likely due sleuth filtering heuristics. This is something we're investigating.)

To use with sleuth, we generate samples from the approximate likelihood to mimic kallisto bootstrap samples. To do this, use the sample command.

polee sample --num-samples 100 --kallisto -o abundance.h5 prepared-sample.h5

Now abundance.h5 can be used as if it were kallisto output.