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Run MESA Image Manager Tests

Vrinda edited this page Mar 27, 2023 · 1 revision

MESA Configuration

Adjust entries for Application Entity Title, host and port of DCM4CHEE in the MESA test configuration $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/rad/actors/imgmgr/imgmgr_test.cfg

     # These entries describe the system under test
     # dcm4chee-host is the hostname or ip where the docker is running
     TEST_HL7_HOST = dcm4chee-host
     TEST_HL7_PORT = 2575

     TEST_MPPS_HOST = dcm4chee-host
     TEST_MPPS_PORT = 11112

     TEST_CSTORE_HOST = dcm4chee-host
     TEST_CSTORE_PORT = 11112

     TEST_COMMIT_HOST = dcm4chee-host
     TEST_COMMIT_PORT = 11112

     TEST_CFIND_HOST = dcm4chee-host
     TEST_CFIND_PORT = 11112

     TEST_CMOVE_HOST = dcm4chee-host
     TEST_CMOVE_PORT = 11112

     TEST_PPM_HOST = dcm4chee-host
     TEST_PPM_PORT = 11112

DCM4CHEE Configuration

Refer configure archive AE titles and create the ldif files for MESA actors (except MESA Post-proc workflow manager) as defined in $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/rad/actors/imgmgr/imgmgr_test.cfg

Notes :

  1. For the MESA actors MESA_IMGMGR and MESA_FILLER; only the DICOM ports need to be configured in the ldif files. HL7 port should not be configured because currently archive configuration is present to receive HL7 messages but not to send HL7 messages
  2. For Test 105, forwarding of MPPS N-CREATE and N-SET messages to AE MESA_FILLER have to be configured.
  3. A separate ldif file needs to be created for MR3T on similar lines as done for MESA_MOD. This is because MR3T is considered as a separate modality in one of the tests.

Scheduled Workflow Tests and Other Tests

Refer the link

Complete the tests - 103, 105, 131, 132, 133, 134, 401, 402, 404, 405, 411, 413, 414

Notes :

  1. Currently the tests 106, 108, 109, 111 are not supported by the archive.
  2. There is no MESA evaluation script for Test 132
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