DC SRAP meeting 8
Time: 2021-09-28, 16.00-17.00 CEST (14:00-15:00 UTC)
Place: Zoom, https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/65371351157?pwd=d0xiV2ZvRUpueXFXSFhxWjdaZEljQT09
Opening of the meeting
Appointment of the minutes taker (Juha will act as the chair)
Approval of the agenda
Minutes of the previous meeting (2021-09-21, Jan taking notes (attached)
Element-specific discussion
a. Publication status #11
Following the discussion in the 7th meeting, the scope of the Status element was made much narrower and its name was changed to Publication status.
OpenAire no longer maintains its vocabulary of publication versions. Instead, it recommends usage of COAR Version types vocabulary (https://vocabularies.coar-repositories.org/version_types/). This vocabulary should be the SRAP recommendation as well.
From SRAP point of view, this vocabulary covers well the statuses of a living document, but if a publication no longer exists and its metadata record acts as a tombstone, there is no way to indicate in the metadata the reason why the document is no longer available. The following three new statuses have been proposed to the COAR Editorial Board: replaced, retracted and lost.
If the status is replaced, the record may/should have isVersionOf-link to the updated version.
Any other additional publication statuses SRAP might require?
b. Presented at
c. Affiliation
d. DCMI has elements isVersionOf
and hasVersion
Is it necessary to add these to SRAP, and if so, is there anything in SRAP that is different from or adds to dct:isversionof? and/or dct:hasVersion?
Next meeting
a. Scheduled for 2021-10-12
Closure of the meeting
- Karen will create a strawman DC Terms entry for publication status
- Jan will inform COAR folks about broken links to openAIRE statuses
- Juha will create poll for next meeting date
- Ask group members best way to handle "publishedAt" in RDF that takes both the conference name and the conference identifier (in the same metadata)
Publication Status COAR uses ”version” while we talk about ”status” – for us ”version” is a different manifestation. Definition of status: "Publication status" is narrower. What different statuses to define? OpenAIRE vocabulary is no longer maintained. Jan: They referred us to COAR
COAR does not have all of the statuses we need. The metadata may live longer than the document, such as no longer found, or has been replaced, retracted.
- AM - accepted manuscript
- AO - author's original
- CVoR - corrected Version of Record
- EVoR - enhanced Version of Record
- NA - not applicable (or unknown)
- P - proof (other languages: accepted manuscript or edited manuscript)
- SMUR - preprint
- VoR - reprint
Jan: there is sometimes a "same as" link that points back to openAIRE which gets a 404. Should let the COAR folks know. Jan will check and will pass on to COAR board.
Need to add: replaced, retracted and lost.
DC Terms would say: recommend to use a defined vocabulary. DC Terms would be more general in its semantics.
KC: create strawman DC Terms entry
Presented At
Suggested: use BIBO "presentedAt" http://gbol.life/ontology/bibo/presentedAt/ subproperty of event:produced_in; is an object property
Juha: not a problem, we can be flexible
kc: at what point does dc terms need a term for this? SRAP can use BIBO, but DC Terms is not a profile.
Juha: pass this question up to the usage board
kc: is this a single string or does it have structure?
juha: we need to discuss what kind of information to provide. probably conference name and date. Need also to be able to link to conference web site.
kc: would conference name and conference URI need different terms? Need to ask group members to suggest how to do this in RDF.
kc: what about things published in conference proceedings?
juha: use dct:isPartOf. That might be sufficient because that indicates the conference.
Jan: presentedAt includes things like posters that aren't published
Freddy: It can be an application or something that is not a publication. BIBO uses "document". DC would use "resource".
juha: "document" in BIBO is a bit narrow, but doesn't prevent us from using BIBO. What they probably mean is "resource"
juha: need conference name and date, plus URI of web site
juha: people change affiliations. This has to be the affiliation at the time the resource was made available.
kc: this is affiliation of the person, not the affiliation of the resource.
juha: not the same as publisher. Also: what metadata elements do we need for affiliation? We had said that we need a URI.
Jan: Some people want an organization identifier in DataCite.
kc: look at agents working group and foaf
juha: problem is that these are very rich. I would be happy with a minimalistic property.
kc: every dc property has the resource as its object; this has the creator as its resource
juha: we do need affiliation in SRAP. Start next meeting with an overview of the DataCite use of DC Terms. Can have multiple creators with different affiliations so have to be able to link affiliation to creator.
Next meeting: need to find a time that most people can attend. Juha will create poll