DC SRAP meeting 16
Time: 2022-05-31, 13:00-14:00 UTC, 15.00-16.00 CEST Place: Zoom, https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/67810295086?pwd=NmJXWGNUZkhJeitSakZ2MEVlRm0yZz09
Opening of the meeting
Appointment of the minutes taker (Osma will act as the chair)
Approval of the agenda
Minutes of the previous meeting (2022-05-17, number 15)
See https://github.com/dcmi/dc-srap/blob/main/meetings/2022-05-17.srap_meeting_15.md
- Role-specific SRAP terms
In the previous meeting, we agreed on using separate RDF properties for roles such as , possibly from the LC list of MARC relator codes even though they are generally not declared as RDF properties.
List of role-specific terms/properties in SRAP: • Degree supervisor http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/dgs • Editor https://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/edt • Funder https://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/fnd • Opponent http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/opn
Examples of how to use these in RDF and/or XML?
- Affiliation information
See #3
Description of the new class and properties in a Markdown snippet (Osma)
There is an example (by Osma) of expressing affiliation information in XML: https://github.com/dcmi/dc-srap/blob/main/profile/affiliation-example.xml
- Describing creator-related PIDs (ORCID, ISNI, ROR) in Dublin Core
Status of the WG (Alasdair)
- Any other business
8.1 Drafting the SRAP specification in Markdown
Snippets created after the 14th meeting (if any).
8.2 Future work items
- Next meeting
Scheduled to take place 2022-06-14, 13:00-14:00 UTC
- Closure of the meeting