Time: 2023-03-28, 15:00-16:00 UTC Place: Zoom, https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/67426809443?pwd=QmJEdjY0dXFkMC9VWjNnSGx6cFlRdz09
Opening of the meeting
Appointment of the minutes taker - Karen
Approval of the agenda
Minutes of previous meeting
2022-03-14, number 26. A draft has been sent to the list by Juha.
- No problems
- Enumeration
GitHub issue: #28
Since the last meeting: Jan has shared details of how this has been handled in the current DataCite draft.
- volume
- issue
- number in a series
Juha: Datacite is a work in progress.
Crossref has a structure from Journal, Issue, to Number
ACTION: we need a table comparing different solutions. Early SRAP hoped to avoid creating structured enumeration. Should be at least CrossRef and DataCite. Juha will do this as a Google Doc. May also include ISO 690.
KC: What is the use case for enumeration? Need to be able to go back and forth from various bibliography software.
Juha: start with journal articles and conference proceedings.
Juha has sent WG members a copy of ISO 690. Juha has provided additional guidelines on the use of Bibliographic citation in SRAP (see 7.1)
To be discussed:
Possible co-operation with DataCite: do we need to develop our own specification, instead of just re-using the one DataCite is working on?
Defer until Jan is available.
Relation to Bibliographic citation?
ISO 690 specifies a wide variety of possible host items. Which ones are relevant for SRAP? Can we start from obvious candidates (like continuing publications such as journals) and add other resources later as extensions to the SRAP version 1.0?
The importance of host item information has diminished because persistent identifiers facilitate direct access to component parts such as journal articles. But if the PID no longer resolves correctly or the e-journal has disappeared, it is still necessary to know the volume and issue in which the print version of the article was published.
- SRAP as a DCTAP profile(Karen)
The latest version: https://github.com/dcmi/dc-srap/blob/main/profile/srap.csv
Comments to Karen’s print version of the DCTAP; to be incorporated into the profile document.
Note that the changes Juha has made to the SRAP AP (Agenda point 7) are not reflected in the DCTAP version.
KC: did not include terms that do not exist yet.
Juha: we missed elements. Added them to the SRAP table. Added "modified" - date on which resource changed. Date updated is narrower. But these are close.
ACTION: KC will delete row 6 for affiliation - DONE
- Any other business
7.1 Changes to SRAP AP
SRAP draft had some issues, which have been fixed by Juha:
Some elements which were mentioned in the alphabetic table were not described Some DCMIMT elements which are or may be relevant to SRAP were not included at all
Separating the altered elements (Access Rights and Type) from the main table made the profile more difficult to read. These elements are now listed with the others, but explanation of why the proposed changes were necessary is provided after the table.
Since Bibliographic citation is an essential element in SRAP content, additional guidelines on its use and an example have been provided. Note that full bibliographic citation contains enumeration and other information about the host document as unstructured text.
7.2 Chairperson for April meetings
Juha will be on holiday & traveling 11th and 25th of April. Somebody else (Osma?) should prepare agendas and act as the chairperson.
- Alastair volunteers to chair the next meetings. Osma will be backup for the 25th.
- Closure of the meeting