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First steps with datacat: Developers

SeeRoSee edited this page Feb 10, 2022 · 2 revisions

Catalog editing via GraphiQL interface


Example: Query classes The output includes all classes named "Lighting" including their parameters specified in nodes {}.

    findSubjects(input: {query: "lighting"}) {
        nodes {

Example: Query classes and the groups they are assigned to.

The output includes all classes with the name "classname" including their parameters specified in nodes as well as the parent groups and their parameters specified in nodes {}.

    findSubjects(input: {query: "classname"}) {
        nodes {
            collectedBy {
                nodes {
                    relatingCollection {

Example: Query linked reference documents.

If no value is passed to the query in the query parameter, all catalog elements of the corresponding type, including the parameters specified in nodes {}, are output. The documentedBy parameter is used to output the linked reference document, if available.

	findSubjects(input: {query:""}) {
		nodes {
			documentedBy {
				nodes {
					relatingDocument {

Example: Query units of a measure.

The output includes all units of measurement including their parameters specified in nodes, as well as the measures to which the unit of measurement is assigned.

	findUnits(input: {query:""}) {
		nodes {
			assignedTo {
				nodes {
					relatingMeasure {

Example: Query the hierarchy

Output of the entire hierarchy possible. Filtering by ID, keywords or node type can be performed.

    hierarchy(input: {rootNodeFilter: {catalogEntryTypeIn: Subject}}) {
        nodes {

In the GraphiQL interface these further queries are possible:

query return
hierarchy Hierarchy
findTags Keywords
findExternalDocuments reference documents
findBags Subject Models
findAssignsPropertyWithValues Groups
findSubjects Classes
findNests Feature Groups
findProperties Characteristics
findMeasures Quantities
findUnits Units
findValues Values
findAccounts Users (see here)

The following parameters (nodes) are possible with these queries:

parameters return
id Unique ID of the node
name Name of the node
description Description of the node
tags {name, id} Keywords of the node (here: name and ID of the keyword)
names {language(displayLanguage)} Available languages of the node
created Creation date
createdBy Name of the creator
lastModified Date of last modification
lastModifiedBy Name of the last editor
versionId Version ID
versionDate Date of version
recordType Node type
__typename Node type (according to ISO 12006-3)

The following advanced filter criteria are possible for these queries: (For application: see above examples)

criterion parameter return
assignedTo relatedMeasure values with their related measure
assignedTo relatingMeasure unit of measurement with their related measure
assignedTo relatingProperty measure associated with a property
assignedCollections relatedCollections child entities of type XtdCollection (property group)
assignedProperties relatedProperties child entities of type XtdProperty (property)
collectedBy relatingCollection parent entities
documentedBy relatingDocument related reference documents to queried entity
documents relatedThings related entities to queried reference document


Create a new class

mutation {
  createCatalogEntry(input: {
    catalogEntryType: Subject
    properties: {
      id: 1234
      version: {
        versionId: "1.0" 
        versionDate: "13.12.2021"
      names: {
        id: 123
        languageTag: "en"
        value: "New class"
    tags: 234763214
  }) {

More GraphiQL commands are inside the Docs which can be found right above the output window of the GraphiQL interface!


Update a name

mutation {
  updateName(input: {
    catalogEntryId: 67574
    name: {
      translationId: 123
      value: "New name"
  }) {

More GraphiQL commands are inside the Docs which can be found right above the output window of the GraphiQL interface!

Check routines

(not implemented yet)

To ensure catalog consistency, the check routines are available via the Check tab in the menu. They include the following queries:

Query Check for
findModelWithoutGroup models without associated group
findGroupWithoutSubject group without associated class
findSubjectWithoutProp classes without associated properties or property groups
findPropGroupWithoutProp property groups without associated properties
findPropWithoutSubjectOrPropGroup properties without associated classes or property group
findMeasureWithoutProp measures without associated property
findUnitWithoutMeasure units without associated measure
findValueWithoutMeasure values without associated measure
findMultipleIDs ID duplicates
findMultipleNames name duplicates
findMissingDescription missing description
findMissingEnglishDescription missing english description
findMissingEnglishName missing english name

Example: findMultipleNames

The parameters for the output can be found in the table in the upper paragraph Queries.

    findMultipleNames(input: {nodeTypeFilter: {}}) {
        nodes {

Further development

This part refers to working with a local datacat instance for development. Prerequisite is the successful completion of the Guide to local installation of datacat.


The frontend, in the form of the datacat editor is based on the JavaScript framework React. Therefore, changes to the frontend are displayed directly in the browser after saving the customized file.


The backend is completely based on Java. It is recommended to make changes to the code using a source code editor, such as Visual Studio Code. Unlike JavaScript, in order for the changes to be visible via the browser, it is necessary to completely restart the corresponding Docker container. If only the backend itself is edited, it is necessary to delete the datacat container and remove the datacat_api image. Deleting the container can be done using the command:

$ docker compose down

If the image datacat_api was deleted manually, the container "datacat" can be restarted via the command:

$ docker-compose up -d

The db and mail containers do not usually affect further development. mail is used to manage email traffic for new user registration. This process is not functional in the local datacat environment. The db container concerns the database and will be dealt with in this tutorial.