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Aaron Powell edited this page Jun 24, 2019 · 1 revision

Welcome to the DDD Sydney blog, here's how it all works.

Local Dev

The blog for DDD Sydney uses Hugo, a really basic static site generator, and Markdown for creating posts.

To make it easy to locally run Hugo is bundled in the Git repository, with a binary for the three different OS's in there (you should run the one that matches your OS).

Running The Blog

The easiest way to run the blog locally is via VS Code, there's a Task defined called run that will run it. If you want to use another editor you'll need to execute the following command:

$> ./hugo.exe server -w -b "http://localhost" --source "./src"  --destination "../.output" --port 4014 --bind ""

Note: Change hugo.exe to hugo-linux or hugo-mac depending on your OS.

Navigate to http://localhost:4014 and you'll see the blog. While the server is running a live reload will happen, so as you create posts/edit posts/etc. it'll automatically refresh your browser.

Creating a post

Again, there's a VS Code task for doing this, new post and it'll prompt for the title of the post you want to create. Then just go ahead and write!

Once you are done commit it to git and push to GitHub.


Like the main website the blog is deployed as a static website (see this post for some overview), the difference is it doesn't run npm or anything, it just uses Hugo to generate the site.

Refer to the website's things to note as they are relevant here too.

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