Portfolio Site Rebuilt Using Bootstrap
- Rebuild portfolio using Bootstrap
- Include Bootstrap Navigation
- Include a Jumbotron
- Use Bootstrap Cards
- Added a line of CSS to ensure that when you click to About me or Work it scrolls so the sections stay below the header.
- LinkedIn hover affect changes size and adds border.
- Added an anmation to show a 3D render.
View site here.....
Despite having an absolute nightmare during this assignment, having some personal stuff that prevented me from submittin on time.
I initially excepted that I'd have to skip this one but that red 'missing' label on the Grades page just taunts me every time I see it. So better late than never.
My overview of Bootstrap is that I can imagine it is a great skill to have, I'll certainly be practicing further, but my personal preference would have to stay with having much cleaner HTML without all the classes.