Refactoring the code to make Horiseon more accessible and search engine friendly.
Taking the original site and improve the code
- Make the HTML follow a Semantic structure
- CSS refactor using the DRY method to reduce the amount of code
- The HTML has been refactored, changing <div> to the appropriate semantic tag.
- The CSS file has been reduced from 200+ lines of code to 139.
- Original code contained multiple classes with identical styles. These have been moved to one class and the appropriate class applied in HTML
- Title Tag now holds a suitable title.
- Also added to HTML the Viewport meta tag to help with screen display sizes.
- Commented both the HTML and CSS
- All Images and Icons given alt tage descriptions
This project has provide a great opportunity to to both practice my use of GitHub and Branches as well as providing experience on editing a clients code. It was interesting to see how much code could be removed from the original CSS without impacting the actuasl appearance of the site.