- Create a new private repo and invite: @mario-deblock.
- Start or upload your project.
- We take into account:
- UI only using Compose
- Single Activity with Compose - Navigation (no fragments) MVVM
- Dependency injection with Dagger or Hilt
- Repository pattern
- 100% Kotlin
- Coroutines
- Flow
Some easy steps to kick start your project:
- Android Studio -> New project → Empty Activity (Compose)
- Configuration file language: Kotlin DSL
- Unit test with MOCKK
- UI test with Espresso
- Networking with Retrofit
- Jetpack libs
[Figma file to follow colors, spacing, icons, etc here](https://www.figma.com/file/SaT9UfRVHwrcpCN8p1kVKl/Test-project?type=design&node-id=0%3A1&mode=design&t=gS6wgz3FuWBBJfqV-1
A Deblock user has a crypto wallet. This crypto wallet contains ETH. Assume the current user has a wallet balance of 10 ETH.
In this screen:
- As a user I can send ETH and select the amount without exceeding the wallet balance.
- As a user I can select a currency to display the equivalent amount in EUR, USD or GBP from a modal with these fixed options.
- As a user I can also switch the primary label of the component to be ETH or the selected currency (this will change the label displayed on the Send button too). As I type in this label an amount, it should convert the equivalent ETH<>FIAT
- As a user I can see the estimated network fees in ETH.
You will need to consume 2 data points:
- Exchange rate (ETH to eur/gbp/usd)
- Estimated network fees
For the exchange rate, you can consume any free API, but here you have a working example you can use:
"ethereum": {
"usd": 1644.1
accepts usd
, eur
and gbp
so you will be covered for this task :)
For the ETH Network fees, you can use the following formula + API to obtain the data
Est Network fees = 21000 * {gasPrice} / 100000000
To obtain the current {gasPrice}
If you dont have an apiToken you have a rate limit of 1/5 seconds.
{"status":"1","message":"OK-Missing/Invalid API Key, rate limit of 1/5sec applied","result":{"LastBlock":"18041185","SafeGasPrice":"13","ProposeGasPrice":"14","FastGasPrice":"14","suggestBaseFee":"12.086368893","gasUsedRatio":"0.505199894363513,0.45067015395881,0.364857033333333,0.700552333333333,0.461159333333333"}}
Extract and use the FastGasPrice
So the estimated gas fee to be displayed is equal to
21000 * {FastGasPrice} / 100000000
- Be pixel perfect
- Animate the modal
- Clean code (networking, UI, simplicity)