- Maven
- Java
- Spring-boot (spring-boot-starter-data-jpa, spring-boot-starter-data-rest, spring-data-rest-webmvc, spring-boot-starter-security)
- Angular
- H2
- Flyway-db ( for migration )
- lombok
- jcasbin
- frontend-maven-plugin
mvn spring-boot:run
The above one will do the following things :
- It will install Node v12.16.3 if it is not already installed.
- It will install NPM 6.14.4 if it is not already installed.
- npm install
- ng build
- compile java code
- run the application at port 5000
- after successful running of the
mvn sprint-boot:run
. Please open http://localhost:5000
Use case 1: Given Tom login to the system, when Tom Add, Modify, Remove account number , then it will be reflected as Pending approval in USER_REQUEST table.
Use case 2: Given Tom login to the system , when Tom search list of account numbers , then system will display all accounts from EXCLUSION_ACCOUNTS
Use case 3: Given Tom login to the system, when Tom search Pending approval in USER_REQUEST table, then Tom can cancel any request before Admin approve or reject.
Use case 4: Given John login to the system, when John approve user submitted request , then it will persist in EXCLUSION_ACCOUNTS
Use case 5: Given John login to the system, when John reject user submitted request , then USER_REQUEST table will be updated with rejected status.
Use case 6: During batch run - system will read EXCLUSION_ACCOUNTS table and load the list of account , and remove the respective account from the file
- Property
is configured in applicaton.properites . Mentioned file must be present in the classpath. - batch run is exposed as an API. It can be called from Admin menu.
- after batch run please check the specified file in the classpath. Accounts in EXCLUSION_ACCOUNTS will be removed from the batch file.