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Wearable Preview

This webapp renders an interactive 3D preview of a wearable or an avatar. It can be configured via query params or via postMessage:

  • contract: The contract address of the wearable collection.
  • item: The id of the item in the collection.
  • token: The id of the token (to preview a specific NFT).
  • profile: an ethereum address of a profile to load as the base avatar. It can be set to default or a numbered default profile like default15 to use a default profile.
  • urn: a URN of a wearable or an emote to load. If it is a wearable, it will override anything loaded from a profile. It can be used many times.
  • url: a URL of a wearable or an emote to load. If it is a wearable, it will override anything loaded from a profile. It can be used many times. The url will be fetched and must return a valid definition following the WearableDefinition or EmoteDefinition types.
  • base64: a wearable or an emote to load, encoded in base64. If it is a wearable, it will override anything loaded from a profile. It can be used many times. Once parsed it should be a valid definition following the WearableDefinition or EmoteDefinition types.
  • skin: a color to be used by the skin material, it must be in hex.
  • hair: a color to be used by the hair material, it must be in hex.
  • eyes: a color to be used by the eyes tint, it must be in hex.
  • bodyShape: which body shape to use, possible values are urn:decentraland:off-chain:base-avatars:BaseMale or urn:decentraland:off-chain:base-avatars:BaseFemale.
  • emote: the emote that the avatar will play. Default value is idle, other possible values are: clap, dab, dance, fashion, fashion-2, fashion-3,fashion-4, love, money, fist-pump and head-explode.
  • zoom: the level of zoom, it must be a number between 1 and 100.
  • zoomScale: a multiplier for the zoom level. By default is 1 but it can be increased to get extra zoom.
  • camera: which camera type to use, either interactive or static. By default it uses the interactive one.
  • projection: which projection type to use, either orthographic or perspective. By default it uses the perspective one.
  • offsetX: apply an offset in the X position of the scene. By default is 0.
  • offsetY: apply an offset in the Y position of the scene. By default is 0.
  • offsetZ: apply an offset in the Z position of the scene. By default is 0.
  • cameraX: set the X position of the camera.
  • cameraY: set the Y position of the camera.
  • cameraZ: set the Z position of the camera.
  • wheelZoom: a multiplier of how much the user can zoom with the mouse wheel. By default is 1, which means the wheel doesn't do any zoom. If the value were 2 the user would be able to zoom up to 2x.
  • wheelPrecision: the higher the value, the slower the wheel zooms when scrolled. By default is 100.
  • wheelStart: a value between 0 and 100 which determines how zoomed in or out the wheel starts. By default is 50, so the user can zoom in or out. If the value were 0 the zoom would start at minimum and the user would be able to zoom in. If the value were 100 the zoom would start at max and the user would be able to zoom out.
  • background: the color of the background in hex, ie: ff0000.
  • peerUrl: set a custom url for a Catalyst peer.
  • nftServerUrl: set a custom url for the NFT API.
  • type: set a custom PreviewType to render standalone items passed as urn, url or base64. currently only supports wearable.
  • disableBackground: if true it will make the background transparent.
  • disableAutoRotate: if true it will disable the auto-rotate behaviour of the camera.
  • disableAutoCenter: if true it will disable the auto-center around the bounding box.
  • disableFace: if true it will disable the facial features.
  • disableDefaultWearables: if true it will not load the default wearables (it will only load the base body shape).
  • disableFadeEffect: if true it will disable css transitions (the fade in / fade out effect). This is useful for automation tests.
  • disableDefaultEmotes: if true and emote is not passed, it will not load the default IDLE emote.
  • showSceneBoundaries: if true it will show a cylinder representing the recommended scene boundaries.
  • showThumbnailBoundaries: if true it will show a square representing the thumbnail boundaries.
  • panning: If true, enables the panning capability. By default it's true.
  • lockAlpha: If true, locks the alpha rotation, preventing the users from rotating the camera around alpha (in simpler terms, "horizontally").
  • lockBeta: If true, locks the beta rotation, preventing the users from rotating the camera around beta (in simpler terms, "vertically").
  • lockRadius: If true, locks the radius rotation, preventing the users from rotating the camera around radius (in simpler terms, "how far or close it is").
  • env: The environment to use, it can be prod (uses mainnet wearables and catalysts) or dev (uses testnet wearables and catalysts).


iframe API:

It's possible to load the wearable-preview in an iframe and communicate with it via postMessage:

Update/override options

If you want to update some options without having to reload the iframe, you can send an update message with the options and their new values:

import { PreviewMessageType, sendMessage } from '@dcl/schemas'

sendMessage(iframe.contentWindow, PreviewMessageType.UPDATE, {
  options: {
    emote: 'dab',

iframe events:

You can listen to events sent by the iframe via postMessage.

import { PreviewMessageType, PreviewMessagePayload } from '@dcl/schemas'

function handleMessage(event) {
  switch ( {
    // This message comes every time the preview finished loading
    case PreviewMessageType.LOAD: {
      console.log('Preview loaded successfully')
    // This message comes every time there's an error
    case PreviewMessageType.ERROR: {
      const { message } = as PreviewMessagePayload<PreviewMessageType.ERROR>
      console.error('Something went wrong:', message)
    // This message comes every time there's a native animation event, they only happen with emotes
    case PreviewMessageType.EMOTE_EVENT: {
      const { type, payload } = as PreviewMessagePayload<PreviewMessageType.EMOTE_EVENT>
      switch (type) {
        case PreviewEmoteEventType.ANIMATION_PLAY:
          console.log('Animation started')
        case PreviewEmoteEventType.ANIMATION_PAUSE:
          console.log('Animation paused')
        case PreviewEmoteEventType.ANIMATION_LOOP:
          console.log('Animation looped')
        case PreviewEmoteEventType.ANIMATION_END:
          console.log('Animation ended')
        case PreviewEmoteEventType.ANIMATION_PLAYING:
          console.log('Animation playing: ', payload.length)

window.addEventListener('message', handleMessage)

controller RPC

The controller allows to take screenshots and get metrics from the scene, and also control the emote animations (play/pause/stop/goTo).

To use the controller you can send controller_request messages and the response will arrive via a controller_response message.

The available methods are:

  • namespace: scene
    • method: getScreenshot params: [width: number, height: number] result: string
    • method: getMetrics params: [] result: Metrics
  • namespace: emote
    • method: play params: [] result: void
    • method: pause params: [] result: void
    • method: stop params: [] result: void
    • method: goTo params: [seconds: number] result: void
    • method: getLength params: [] result: number
    • method: isPlaying params: [] result: boolean
    • method: changeZoom params: [zoom: number] result: void
    • method: changeCameraPosition params: [position: { alpha?: number, beta?: number, radius?: number }] result: void
    • method: panCamera params: [offset: { x?: number, y?: number, z?: number }] result: void

This is an example of an RPC:

import future, { IFuture } from 'fp-future'
import { PreviewMessageType, PreviewMessagePayload, sendMessage } from '@dcl/schemas'

let id = 0
const promises = new Map<string, IFuture<any>>()

function sendRequest<T>(
  namespace: 'scene' | 'emote',
  method: 'getScreenshot' | 'getMetrics' | 'getLength' | 'isPlaying' | 'goTo' | 'play' | 'pause' | 'stop',
  params: any[]
) {
  // create promise
  const promise = future<T>()
  promises.set(id, promise)
  // send message
  sendMessage(iframe.contentWindow, PreviewMessageType.CONTROLLER_REQUEST, { id, namespace, method, params })
  // increment id for next request
  return promise

function handleMessage(event) {
  switch ( {
    // handle response
    case PreviewMessageType.CONTROLLER_RESPONSE: {
      const payload = as PreviewMessagePayload<PreviewMessageType.CONTROLLER_RESPONSE>
      // grab promise and resolve/reject according to response
      const { id } = payload
      const promise = promises.get(id)
      if (promise) {
        if (payload.ok) {
        } else {
          promise.reject(new Error(payload.error))

window.addEventListener('message', handleMessage)

Now you can use it like this:

const screenshot = await sendRequest('scene', 'getScreenshot', [512, 512]) // "data:image/png;base64..."


npm ci


npm run start


npm run build