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Releases: deckerweb/toolbar-extras

v1.4.9 - Current Stable Version

28 Nov 20:31
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⚡ 1.4.9 - 2019-11-28

  • Change log
  • New: Successfully tested with WordPress 5.3
  • New: Added sub items for file types (Mime Types) to the Media Library within the Site Group - for Images, PDFs, Audio, Video - this allows for really convenient filtering 😀
  • New: Added full support for the whole "Toolset" suite of plugins (all Premium, by OnTheGoSystems)
  • New: Added full support for the whole "WPML (Multilingual CMS)" suite of plugins (all Premium, by OnTheGoSystems)
  • Tweak: Let "New Reusable Block" not appear in Network Admin (Multisite)
  • Tweak: For "weForms" plugin support, added integration for Pro Version (Add-On)
  • Tweak: For "WPForms Pro" plugin support, added integration with 2 more Pro Add-Ons; additionally added/tweaked external resources
  • Tweak: For "Church Content" plugin support, moved the whole item collection to the Site Group (Manage Content), refined items, added resources as well as support for the Pro Add-On
  • Tweak: For all Themes (Jubilee, Saved, Maranatha, Exodus, Resurrect) - refined support, added new items
  • Tweak: For "Kadence Blocks" plugin support, greatly improved Pro version integration, including Form Blocks with saved DB entries
  • Tweak: For "Genesis Design Palette Pro" plugin support, added new Block Styles item
  • Tweak: For "Elegant Blocks" plugin support, added new "Clients" sub item
  • Tweak: For "Stackable" plugin support, added new resource items
  • Tweak: Removed "CoBlocks" plugin support as the plugin no longer has any settings or info page
  • Tweak: Improved file includes and organisation for plugin support
  • Tweak: For Genesis Framework support, subtle improvements for tweaked admin menus, plus more refinements
  • Tweak: For Nginx Server Environments added two (optional) external resource items
  • Tweak: Subtle style improvements for WordPress 5.3+ (settings page)
  • Tweak: Updated bundled library DDWlib Plugin Installer Recommendations to latest version (v1.5.1)
  • Tweak: Updated .pot file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs
  • Fix: Avoid any fatal error on Multisite (for Dashboard widget)
  • Fix: Fixed wrong German translations (grammar, typos)
  • Fix: Numerous smaller errors, notices and code inconsistencies

New, 1.4.9: Extended the Theme support for:

  • Jubilee (Premium, by LLC)
  • Agent Focused Pro (Premium, by Marcy Diaz for Winning Agent), a Child Theme for Genesis (Note: only version 2.0.0 or higher supported!)
  • GutenBooster (free, by Onur Oztaskiran)
  • Bstone (free, by Stack Themes), including plugins: Bstone Demo Importer (free) and Bstone Light (free) (both by Stack Themes)
  • Reykjavik (free, by WebMan Design/ Oliver Juhas)
  • Primer (free, by GoDaddy)
  • Ashe (free, by WP Royal)
  • Mesmerize (free, by Extend Themes/ Horea Radu), including plugin: Mesmerize Companion (free, by Extend Themes/ Horea Radu)
  • Total (free, by Hash Themes)

New, 1.4.9: Extended the Plugin support for Elementor Add-Ons:

  • WunderWP (free, by Artbees)
  • Extensions For Elementor (free, by mayanksdudakiya)
  • Elementor Addons – Premium Elementor Addons with Templates & Blocks (free, by Oxilab/ biplob018)
  • WPHobby Addons for Elementor (free, by WPHobby)
  • JetTricks (Premium, by Zemez Jet/ Crocoblock)

New, 1.4.9: Extended the general Plugin support for:

  • Church Content Pro (Premium, by LLC)
  • weForms Pro - Professional (Add-On) (Premium, by weDevs)
  • Ivory Search (free, by Ivory Search)
  • qTranslate-XT (free, by qTranslate Community)
  • Search & Replace (free, by Inpsyde GmbH)
  • Better Search Replace (free, by Delicious Brains)
  • Borlabs Cookie (Premium, by Benjamin A. Bornschein, Borlabs)
  • AgentPress Listings (free, by StudioPress)
  • Sermon Manager for WordPress (free, by WP for Church)
  • Sermon Manager Import (free, by Kyle Hornberg)
  • Media from FTP (free, by Katsushi Kawamori)
  • WPForms Conversational Forms (Add-On) (Premium, by WPForms LLC)
  • WPForms Form Pages (Add-On) (Premium, by WPForms LLC)
  • WP Toolbelt (free, by Ben Gillbanks) - Note: This is a bloat-free Jetpack alternative!
  • Sticky Header 2020 (free, by Iulia Cazan) - Adds additional Customizer options for the "Twenty Twenty" theme

New, 1.4.9: Extended Plugin support for Block Editor Add-Ons (Gutenberg):

  • GutenBee (free, by The CSSIgniter Team)
  • Kioken Blocks (free, by Kioken Theme)
  • Potter Kit – Custom Blocks and Templates (free, by Potter LLC)
  • WPBricks Readymade Custom Gutenberg Blocks (free, by Multidots)
  • Foxdell Folio Block Editor Customiser (free, by Foxdell Folio)
  • Foxdell Folio BEC Disable Core Blocks (free, by Foxdell Folio)
  • Gutenberg (free, by Gutenberg Team)

New, 1.4.9: Toolset & WPML suites of plugins (all Premium, by OnTheGoSystems):

  • Toolset Types
  • Toolset Views
  • Toolset Forms
  • Toolset Access
  • Toolset Layouts
  • Toolset Module Manager
  • Toolset Framework Installer (Reference Sites)
  • Toolset WooCommerce Views
  • Toolset Forms Commerce
  • Toolset Advanced Export
  • Toolset Layout Migration
  • WPML Multilingual CMS
  • WPML Media
  • WPML String Translation
  • WPML Translation Management
  • WPML Sticky Links
  • WPML CMS Nav
  • WooCommerce Multingual


22 Oct 13:13
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⚡ 1.4.8 - 2019-10-22

  • Change log
  • New: Added "News & Updates" Dashboard widget - only viewable for (Super) Admins, can easily be disabled via "Screen Options" (top right corner) - Note: settings integration will follow, though
  • New: Added way more specific, helpful resources within the WordPress Logo/ About group (finishing the work that began with plugin version 1.4.5)
  • New: Added shortcut to plugin's settings in Multisite Network Admin (only to the main site of the Network, though)
  • New: Added shortcuts to plugin's settings tabs on the Elementor "General Settings" admin page (as extra tab there)
  • New: For ClassicPress installs added new "Toolbar Extras" info page under "Security" admin menu (for ClassicPress v1.1.0+)
  • New: You can now also leverage "WPCore Plugin Manager" plugin to bulk install plugins - if active, new item and sub items appear within the "New Content" Group
  • Tweak: Extended "WP About" sub items with more stuff when Dev Mode is enabled
  • Tweak: Refined "Mailster" plugin support, added new sub items (Setup Wizard, Tests) and one new resource item (Changelog)
  • Tweak: Refined "Formidable Forms" plugin support, added new sub items for Pro version and 2 Pro Add-Ons, plus one new resource item (Changelog)
  • Tweak: Improved readability of settings page description texts - now they have an enforced max-width of 800px (much better on bigger screens/ viewports...!)
  • Tweak: Refinements for the Plugin Manager for Add-Ons - info screens, minimum version management, descriptions
  • Tweak: Updated bundled library DDWlib Plugin Installer Recommendations to latest version (v1.5.0) - better performance due to the use of transients
  • Tweak: Updated bundled library Astra Notices to latest version (v1.1.4)
  • Tweak: Properly enqueued inline styles also for Local Dev Environment feature
  • Tweak: Properly enqueued inline styles also for "Gravity Forms" plugin support
  • Tweak: Minor security improvement for settings page
  • Tweak: Minor enhancements throughout the plugin
  • Tweak: Where possible, migrated all the plugin's Toolbar items over from Global usage to $admin_bar object to be more in line with WP standards
  • Tweak: Updated .pot file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs
  • Tweak: If available, use new WP 5.0+ function determine_locale() for even better (user) locale detection
  • Fix: CSS issue on Plugins page - info & update action links from other plugins are no longer hidden
  • Fix: Fixed admin URL for Genesis Child Themes "Brunch Pro", "Cook'd Pro" and "Foodie Pro"
  • Fix: Fixed loading for "Pretty Chic" Child Theme support

New, 1.4.8: Extended the Theme support for:

  • Course Maker Pro (Premium, by brandiD), a Child Theme for Genesis
  • Cafe Pro (Premium, by StudioPress), a Child Theme for Genesis
  • Pretty Creative (Premium, by Lindsey Riel), a Child Theme for Genesis

New, 1.4.8: Extended the Plugin support for Elementor Add-Ons:

  • Prime Slider Lite Addons for Elementor (free, by BdThemes)
  • Happy Elementor Addons (free, by HappyMonster/ weDevs)
  • Ruvuv Extension for Elementor (free, by Ruvuv)

New, 1.4.8: Extended the general Plugin support for:

  • Options for Twenty Nineteen (free, by - Adds additional Customizer options for the "Twenty Nineteen" theme
  • Options for Twenty Seventeen (free, by - Adds additional Customizer options for the "Twenty Seventeen" theme
  • Customize Twenty Seventeen (free, by BoldThemes) - Adds additional Customizer options for the "Twenty Seventeen" theme
  • Customize Twenty Sixteen (free, by BoldThemes) - Adds additional Customizer options for the "Twenty Sixteen" theme
  • Advanced Twenty Seventeen (free, by saturnplugins) - Adds additional Customizer options for the "Twenty Seventeen" theme
  • Instant Indexing for Google (free, by Rank Math)
  • weForms (free, by weDevs)
  • Fluent Forms (Pro) (free/Premium, by WP Fluent Forms)
  • MailOptin Lite (free, by MailOptin Team)
  • WPCore Plugin Manager (free, by Stuart Starr)
  • Delete Expired Transients (free, by WebAware) - for Dev Mode
  • Transient Cleaner (free, by David Artiss) - for Dev Mode


21 Sep 07:56
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⚡ 1.4.7 - 2019-09-20

  • New: Brand new Import/ Export feature to export or import the plugin's own settings via a .json file - including (official) Add-Ons, if these are currently active --- this feature allows you to easily transfer/ migrate the plugin's settings over to new installs or just make personal backups
  • New: Added group of "Website Settings" items/ sub items to the Site Group - this pretty much covers all official/ default WordPress settings pages under "Settings" - now you have handy shortcuts for those important settings (for example Permalinks) from the frontend AND the admin! 😁
  • New: "What Template?" feature - adds a new top-level item to the Toolbar showing you the file name of the current used Template for the currently displayed page/ document, plus template parts, relative path and Parent/ Child Theme name -- Note: currently this can only be enabled with Dev Mode active and add_theme_support( 'tbex-show-current-template' ); added via Code Snippet or your (Child) Theme's functions.php (in a next plugin major version this gets even better settings integration, yeah!)
  • Tweak: For "Release Notes" under WordPress About (Logo) item, added logic to completely exclude alpha, beta and RC versions; added ClassicPress compat
  • Tweak: For "Elementor" Core plugin support, added new resource item (Developer Blog)
  • Tweak: For "Astra" theme support, added full compatibility with Astra 2.0+, including for the Pro Add-On - the Astra 1.x versions are still supported as well :)
  • Tweak: For "JetEngine" plugin support, added new items since plugin version 2.0.0 or higher, and refined some existing ones; plus more improvements
  • Tweak: For "HappyForms" plugin support, tweaked existing items, added support for Pro version, plus "Builder Template Categories" integration
  • Tweak: For "Rank Math SEO" plugin support, added WooCommerce items, plus, far better module detection logic
  • Tweak: For "ToolKit for Elementor" plugin support, re-positioned New Content item
  • Tweak: For "Block Lab" plugin support, added new "Settings" item, plus lots more external resources
  • Tweak: For "Element Pack" plugin support, implemented support for brand new lite version of this plugin, plus, added changelog items
  • Tweak: Refined support for all "Twenty" default themes, especially for the Customizer deep links
  • Tweak: Subtle improvements to our Elementor Finder integration
  • Tweak: Migrated almost all our styles to proper enqueuing and/or the usage of wp_add_inline_style() - this is our first part of styling improvements throughout the plugin
  • Tweak: Some globally used functions (within the plugin) and files were re-organized for better maintenance
  • Tweak: On settings page implemented better semantic markup, as recommended for WP 5.2+
  • Tweak: Improved internal resources for Add-Ons; added lots of new helper functions
  • Tweak: Updated bundled library DDWlib Plugin Installer Recommendations to latest version (v1.4.2) - code improvements, fixes
  • Tweak: Updated .pot file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs
  • Tweak: Added new screenshots for the newly added features
  • Fix: Fixed styling of color picker container, plus Dashicons appearance in our help tabs and other occurrences - all caused by changes in WP 5.2.3+
  • Fix: Fixed wrong function name for "Duplicator Pro" plugin support
  • Fix: Fixed notices for "Login Designer" plugin support

New, 1.4.7: Extended the Theme support for:

  • Twenty Twenty (free, by the team) - Note: the new default theme for 2020 and WordPress 5.3+
  • Neve (free, by ThemeIsle), including plugins: Neve Pro Addon (Premium) and Neve Hooks (free) (both by ThemeIsle)
  • Zakra (free, by ThemeGrill), including plugin ThemeGrill Demo Importer (free) (both by ThemeGrill)
  • Responsive (free), including plugin Responsive Add Ons (free) (both by CyberChimps)
  • Airi (free, by athemes)

New, 1.4.7: Extended the Plugin support for Elementor Add-Ons:

  • MetForm (free, by WpMet) - Form Builder for Elementor
  • Element Pack Lite (free, by BdThemes)
  • Elements Kit Lite/Pro (free/Premium, by WpMet)
  • HT Builder (free, by HasThemes/ HT Plugins)
  • HT Builder Pro (Premium, by HasThemes/ HT Plugins)
  • The Pack Addons (Premium, by XLDevelopment/ Web Angon/ Ashraf)

New, 1.4.7: Extended the general Plugin support for:

  • HappyForms Pro (Premium, by The Theme Foundry)
  • SEO for WooCommerce (free, by Rank Math)
  • Flo Forms (free, by Flothemes)
  • WP Crontrol (free, by John Blackbourn & crontributors) - for Dev Mode
  • Advanced Cron Manager (free, by BracketSpace) - for Dev Mode

New, 1.4.7: Extended Plugin support for Block Editor Add-Ons (Gutenberg):

  • Block Areas (free, by The WP Rig Contributors)
  • BlockyPage Gutenberg Blocks (free, by BlockyPage Team)
  • Gutentor (free, by Gutentor)


12 Aug 21:52
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⚡ 1.4.6 - 2019-08-12


12 Aug 21:50
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⚡ 1.4.5 - 2019-08-12

  • New: Added support for Elementor Pro v2.6+ where needed ("Custom Icons" for example)
  • New: Added very useful "Changelog" resource item to some supported plugins and themes, including Elementor (free) and Elementor Pro
  • New: For optional "Web Group" added new 6 new services for live testing URLs - Facebook Debugger, plus 5 more Google Services!
  • New: Added useful sub items to WordPress Logo/ About group, including release notes for WordPress version of your current install (dynamic!)
  • New: Added theme support for "Chaplin" (free, by Anders Norén)
  • New: Added "Milestones" Page to plugin website to list amazing achievements of this plugin project
  • Tweak: For "Essential Addons" plugin support, added new resource items (videos, changelog); removed deprecated item
  • Tweak: For "The Plus Addons" plugin support, added new resource items (facebook group, changelog)
  • Tweak: For "JetSmartFilters" plugin support, added new items (settings, changelog)
  • Tweak: For "CartFlows" plugin support, added new Setup Wizard items; removed WooCommerce dependency (since CartFlows can now also operate without it)
  • Tweak: For "WooLentor" plugin support, added new item and pro version integration
  • Tweak: Plugin support for "Reusable Blocks – Elementor, Beaver Builder, WYSIWYG" (free, by WebEmpire) rebranded because plugin changed its name/branding etc. (former name was: "Design Sidebar Using Page Builder")
  • Tweak: Various smaller addition and tweaks for even better support of our official Add-Ons (helper functions, styles)
  • Tweak: Lots of under the hood improvements on code base, and for CSS styles
  • Tweak: Updated .pot file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs
  • Fix: Fixed PHP notice if setting of a default page builder enabled but the appropriate builder was deactivated meanwhile
  • Fix: Duplicate function declarations

New, 1.4.5: Extended the Plugin support for Elementor Add-Ons:

  • JetTabs (Premium, by Zemez Jet/ CrocoBlock)
  • JetBooking (Premium, by Zemez Jet/ CrocoBlock) - A special JetEngine Add-On
  • Social Addons for Elementor (Lite) (free, by WebEmpire)
  • ToolKit for Elementor (Premium, by ToolKit for Elementor)
  • WooLentor Pro (Premium, by HasThemes/ HT Plugins)

New, 1.4.5: Extended the general Plugin support for:

  • Rank Math SEO (free, by Rank Math)
  • Redirections by Rank Math (free, by Rank Math)
  • 404 Monitor by Rank Math (free, by Rank Math)
  • Schema Markup Rich Snippets (free, by Rank Math)


04 Jul 12:18
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⚡ 1.4.4 - 2019-07-04

  • New: Added 31 new Dashicons from WordPress 5.2+ to our list of Dashicons icon picker (on our settings page) - only if your install runs WordPress 5.2 or higher
  • New: New resource for "Genesis Customizer" theme - Facebook Group
  • New: Added optional "StudioPress/ Genesis Blue" color item for settings color picker palettes (optional, if Genesis is active)
  • New: Added optional "WooCommerce Violet" color item for settings color picker palettes (optional, if WooCommerce is active)
  • New: Added optional "EDD Cello" and "EDD Blue" color items for settings color picker palettes (optional, if Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) is active)
  • Tweak: For "Genesis Customizer Pro" plugin support made the module logic work again to display the additional Customizer deep links
  • Tweak: For Genesis theme support, special tweaks for the Customizer redirection of official Genesis theme settings
  • Tweak: For "Essential Addons for Elementor" added support for version 3.x, plus new item "Tools"
  • Tweak: For "WP Security Audit Log" plugin support added new item "Export/Import"
  • Tweak: For "Forminator" plugin support added new settings sub items
  • Tweak: For "Hustle" plugin support added new items
  • Tweak: Refined resource links for Gutenberg Block Editor
  • Tweak: Refined resource links for "Hello Elementor" theme support
  • Tweak: Various smaller improvements on code base
  • Tweak: Updated .pot file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs
  • Fix: Various smaller fixes

New, 1.4.4: Extended the general Plugin support for:

  • Form Vibes (free, by WPVibes)
  • Tweaks for GeneratePress (free, by John Chapman)
  • Activity Log (free, by Activity Log Team)
  • User Activity Log (free, by Solwin Infotech)
  • Stream (free, by XWP)
  • Simple History (free, by Pär Thernström)
  • EditorsKit (free, by Jeffrey Carandang/ Phpbits Creative Studio)
  • Site Health Manager (free, by Rami Yushuvaev)
  • Site Health Tool Manager (free, by William Earnhardt)
  • Pods - Custom Content Types and Fields (free, by Pods Framework Team)
  • Meta Box (free, by + these Add-Ons: MB Custom Post Type, MB Custom Taxonomy, Meta Box Template, Meta Box Builder (2.x & 3.x)
  • WPvivid Backup Plugin (free, by WPvivid Team)


15 May 23:02
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⚡ 1.4.3 - 2019-05-14

  • New: Successfully tested with WordPress 5.2
  • New: Successfully tested with ClassicPress 1.0.1
  • New: Theme support for "Genesis Customizer" (free, by SEO Themes), including plugins: Genesis Customizer Core (free) and Genesis Customizer Pro (Premium) (both by SEO Themes) -- Note: This is an awesome special Child Theme for the Genesis Framework perfectly suited for Non-Coder Designers, Non-Techies and Site Builders! ;-)
  • New: Added plugin support for additional 4 extensions of "Mai Themes for Genesis" - Mai Favorites, Mai Testimonials, Mai Styles, Mai Ads & Extra Content (all Premium, by Mike Hemberger, BizBudding Inc.)
  • New: Added plugin support for Suki Sites Import (free, by SukiWP/ David Rozando)
  • New: For Code Snippets plugin: optionally add all Code Snippets as submenu items, via filter (see code snippet)
  • New: Completely refined plugin website supported Themes, Plugins, Elementor Add-Ons and Gutenberg Block Editor Add-Ons listings - all are now powered by dynamic data, are fully updated, and got search filters (for title)
  • New: Created listing of abandoned plugins where the integration in Toolbar Extras is set for deprecation and therefore future removal - see Support Article on plugin's website
  • New: Integrated with WordPress 5.2+ new Site Health feature: Toolbar Extras now has an extra section on the Debug Info tab - this is especially helpful for support requests
  • New: Above mentioned Debug Info also appears on "Debug Info" in "Health Check" plugin for WordPress versions below 5.2 -- Note: Health Check items won't appear in WP 5.2, though!
  • New: Added Site Health & Debug items to Site Group as well (WP 5.2+ required)
  • New: Added few subtle tweaks for even better support for ClassicPress, color item, some labels, Plugin Installer etc.
  • New: Added formal German translation for Readme on (this will optionally be shown in plugin installer in Admin)
  • Tweak: Set proper parent menu and submenu highlighting relationship for our additional Plugin and Theme uploader menus (via Dev Mode)
  • Tweak: Further refined Gutenberg Block Editor support, additional Admin menu item, plus submenu
  • Tweak: Enhanced "GeneratePress" theme support - more Customizer deep links, more resources
  • Tweak: Refined "Hello Elementor" theme support - to also integrate with new theme version from
  • Tweak: For "AnalogWP Templates" plugin support added their new Style Kits feature as items
  • Tweak: For "Envato Elements" plugin support updated their admin URLs, added new resources for the service
  • Tweak: For "WPForms" plugin support added another third-party integration; plus other minor enhancements
  • Tweak: For "Schema Pro" plugin support added new optional Breadcrumb item
  • Tweak: For "Atomic Blocks" plugin support added new Settings item
  • Tweak: For "Essentail Premium Addons for Elementor" (by wpcodestar) plugin support added new API Settings item
  • Tweak: For "Ultimate Blocks" plugin support added new item and resource
  • Tweak: For "A/B Testing for WordPress" plugin support added new item
  • Tweak: For "Piotnet Addons for Elementor (PAFE)" added optional "Forms Database" item - optionally also add items to Forms hook place in Site Group
  • Tweak: For "Elementor Contact Form DB" plugin support added new items and resources - Note: The plugin is finally available on!
  • Tweak: Refined plugin support for "Premium Addons for Elementor" (by Leap13) to make it work better (and again)
  • Tweak: Enhanced "Genesis Design Palette Pro" plugin support - new "Fonts" item, plus 3 free Add-Ons integrated
  • Tweak: Enhanced plugin support for "Mailchimp for WP" - added support for 7 more of their integrations
  • Tweak: Enhanced theme & (pro) plugin support for "Suki" theme
  • Tweak: Added Twenty Nineteen support to supported themes of "Themer Pro" plugin (since v1.1.0+ of Themer Pro!)
  • Tweak: Changed wording for "PithyWP Templates" plugin support after their subtle renaming
  • Tweak: Added our "Add-Ons" settings tab to our Elementor Finder feature support
  • Tweak: On our "About & Support" admin page, integrated with Site Health Debug Info for support purposes
  • Tweak: Improved Multisite support for Plugin & Theme Uploader pages
  • Tweak: Reorganized compatibility functions/ layer behind the scenes, for plugins etc.
  • Tweak: Correct logic behind optional Gallery/Slider plugin hook place so it doesn't appear as empty item any longer
  • Tweak: Refined recommended Gutenberg-specific plugins for "Plugin Installer Recommendations" library
  • Tweak: Remove "Jetpack Ads" as far as possible (since Jetpack 7.1+)
  • Tweak: Remove "WooCommerce Ads/ Suggestions" as far as possible (since WooCommerce 3.6+)
  • Tweak: Updated bundled library DDWlib Plugin Installer Recommendations to latest version (v1.4.1) - feature updates
  • Tweak: Updated .pot file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs

New, 1.4.3: Extended the Plugin support for Elementor Add-Ons:

  • Flexible Elementor Panel (free, by Alex Shram/
  • Multidomain Support for Elementor (free, by Alex Zappa)
  • Bestfreebie Elementor Icons (free, by Bestfreebie)
  • The Plus Addons for Elementor Lite/Pro (free/Premium, by POSIMYTH Themes)
  • Unlimited Elements for Elementor Lite/Pro (free/Premium, by Blox Themes)
  • WooLentor - WooCommerce Elementor Addons + Builder (free, by HT Plugins)
  • Advamentor (free, by Themexa)
  • DT WooCommerce Page Builder for Elementor (Premium, by DawnThemes)
  • Clever Mega Menu for Elementor (free, by CleverSoft)

New, 1.4.3: Extended the general Plugin support for:

  • GP Related Posts (free, by Jon Mather)
  • GP Elements Disable (free, by Jon Mather)
  • WordPress Color Picker Enhancement (free, by P. Roy)
  • Advanced Custom Fields (free, by Elliot Condon) - Note: only ACF version 5.x or higher! (v4.x not supported!)
  • Advanced Custom Fields Pro (Premium, by Elliot Condon)
  • Advanced Custom Fields: Extended (free, by ACF Extended) - Note: a third-party ACF Pro Add-On
  • Advanced Forms (free, by Fabian Lindfors/ Hookturn Digital Pty Ltd) - Note: a third-party ACF Pro Add-On
  • Custom Field Suite (free, by Matt Gibbs)
  • Shortcoder (free, by Aakash Chakravarthy)
  • Imagify Image Optimizer (free, by WP Media)
  • ShortPixel Image Optimizer (free, by ShortPixel)
  • Smush Image Compression and Optimization (free, by WPMU DEV)
  • EWWW Image Optimizer (free, by Exactly WWW)
  • Compress JPEG & PNG Images (free, by TinyPNG)
  • Design Sidebar Using Page Builder (free, by WebEmpire) - for Elementor, Beaver Builder, Classic Editor

New, 1.4.3: Extended Plugin support for Block Editor Add-Ons (Gutenberg):

  • CoBlocks (Page Builder Gutenberg Blocks) (free, by CoBlocks)
  • Otter Blocks (Gutenberg Blocks and Template Library) (free, by ThemeIsle)
  • Block Style Guides for Gutenberg (free, by Robert Gillmer)
  • Add RichText Toolbar Button (free, by Technote)


31 Mar 22:15
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⚡ 1.4.2 - 2019-03-31

  • New: Added "Add-Ons" tab to plugin's settings page, featuring official, supported and recommended Add-Ons -- preparing for first official Add-On release(s) ;-)
  • New: Lots of additions and refinements under the hood to make official Add-Ons work smarter (extends the groundwork from v1.4.0)
  • New: Tweaks and additions for (optional) post type archive items, plus new sub items, including special support for Genesis CPT Archive Settings
  • New: The plugin now has its own Supporter page on - become a patron and support ongoing development
  • New: The plugin now hat its own Instagram channel - please follow us and like our content
  • New: The plugin now hat its own Twitter account - please follow us and like & retweet our tweets
  • New: Added generic, reusable class to better support/integrate generic post types from plugins and themes
  • New: Added optional "My Plugin Manager" library by Theme Blvd for the upcoming Add-Ons for Toolbar Extras to manage plugin dependencies and suggestions
  • New: Successfully tested with WordPress 5.1.1
  • Tweak: Refined core support for Block Editor (Gutenberg) in some minor areas/ aspects
  • Tweak: Refined settings sections internally that only display conditionally for certain supported third-party plugins
  • Tweak: Further optimized admin settings pages, including the branding/ styling
  • Tweak: Enhanced plugin support for "JetEngine" - integrated new Booking Forms module
  • Tweak: Enhanced plugin support for "Essential Addons for Elementor" (by WPDeveloper/ Codetic)
  • Tweak: Enhanced plugin support for "Builder Template Categories"
  • Tweak: Enhanced plugin support for "MailChimp for WP"
  • Tweak: Implemented admin URL change for "Ultimate Addons for Elementor" plugin support
  • Tweak: Implemented admin URL change for "Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg" plugin support
  • Tweak: Greatly enhanced theme support for "OceanWP" (Customizer deep links)
  • Tweak: Added developer resources for "Genesis" theme support
  • Tweak: Changed item links for "Mai Theme" theme support (Genesis-specific)
  • Tweak: Changed item link for "Epic News Elements" plugin support
  • Tweak: Changed resource links for "Element Pack" plugin support where needed
  • Tweak: Re-enabled plugin support for "Code Snippets" plugin after latest Code Snippets update(s)
  • Tweak: Local Development Environment feature: now also supports the constant WP_LOCAL_DEV from WordPress Core
  • Tweak: Dev Mode: Added new resource for Child Themes
  • Tweak: Replaced "Google+" sharing with "LinkedIn" on the "About & Support" page (as Google+ gets shut down in April 2019)
  • Tweak: Small improvements and tweaks to the core plugin
  • Tweak: Updated bundled library DDWlib Plugin Installer Recommendations to latest version (v1.3.0) - feature updates
  • Tweak: Updated bundled library Persistant Admin notices Removal to latest version (v1.4.3)
  • Tweak: Updated bundled library Astra Notices to latest version (v1.1.2)
  • Tweak: Updated .pot file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs
  • Fix: Notice for Element IDs (Dev Mode) on post type archive on frontend

New, 1.4.2: Extended the Theme support for:

  • Layers for Elementor (free, by Elementor Team/ Elementor Ltd.)
  • Woostify (free, by BoostifyThemes), including plugins: Woostify Sites Library (free) and Woostify Pro Add-On (Premium) (both by BoostifyThemes)
  • Zita (free, by WpZita team), including plugins: Zita Site Library (free) and Zita Pro Add-On (Premium) (both by WpZita team)
  • Stackable (free, by Gambit Technologies, Inc.)
  • Futurio (free, by FuturioWP), including plugins: Futurio Extra (free) and Futurio Pro (Premium) (both by FuturioWP)
  • Jupiter X (Premium, by Artbees), including plugin: Raven (Premium)
  • Rife Free & Rife Pro (free/Premium, by Apollo13Themes), including plugins Apollo13 Framework Extensions (free) and Rife Elementor Extensions & Templates (free) (both by Apollo13Themes)
  • Sane (free) and Sane Pro (Premium) (both by Elegant Marketplace)
  • Storefront (free, by Automattic, Inc.)
  • Revolution Pro (Premium, by StudioPress), a Child Theme for Genesis
  • Hello Pro 2 (Premium, by brandiD), a Child Theme for Genesis
  • Jessica (Premium, by 9seeds, LLC), a Child Theme for Genesis
  • Kreativ Pro (Premium, by ThemeSquare), a Child Theme for Genesis
  • Divine (Premium, by Restored 316 Designs // Lauren Gaige), a Child Theme for Genesis
  • Pretty Chic (Premium, by Lindsey Riel), a Child Theme for Genesis
  • Stag Blocks (free, by Codestag)
  • Rooten (Premium, by BdThemes)

New, 1.4.2: Extended the Plugin support for Elementor Add-Ons:

  • JetCompareWishlist (Premium, by Zemez Jet/ CrocoBlock)
  • HT Mega - Ultimate Addons for Elementor (free, by HT Plugins)
  • Elementor Forms (Premium, by Elementor Forms)
  • RabbitBuilder Global Central JS CSS (free, by RabbitBuilder)
  • AnalogWP Templates (free, by AnalogWP)
  • Layouts for Elementor (free, by Giraphix Creative)
  • WPB Elementor Addons (free, by wpbean)
  • Exclusive Addons for Elementor (free, by DevsCred)
  • PDF Generator for Elementor (free, by RedefiningTheWeb)
  • Essentail Premium Addons for Elementor (free, by wpcodestar)
  • Sina Extension for Elementor (free, by shaonsina)
  • Smart Fonts for Elementor (free, by codevision)

New, 1.4.2: Extended the general Plugin support for:

  • HTML Forms (free, by ibericode)
  • Torro Forms (free, by Awesome UG)
  • BuddyForms (free, by ThemeKraft)
  • Contact Form X (free, by Jeff Starr)
  • Jetpack (free/Premium, by Automattic, Inc./ - including additionally added submenu items (otherwise missing), and extensive resources
  • Max Mega Menu (free, by Tom Hemsley)
  • QuadMenu (free, by QuadMenu)
  • The SEO Framework - Extension Manager (free, by Sybre Waaijer)
  • Shariff Wrapper (free, by Jan-Peter Lambeck & 3UU)
  • Post SMTP (free, by Yehuda Hassine) - Plugin formerly known as Postman
  • WP Mail SMTP (free, by WPForms)
  • Instagram Feed (Pro) (free/Premium, by Smash Balloon)
  • Genesis Responsive Slider (free, by StudioPress), a plugin for Genesis
  • CartFlows (free, by CartFlows Inc) - For Elementor, Beaver Builder, Divi, Gutenberg Block Editor
  • Pithy Templates (free, by Pithy WP) - For Elementor currently

New, 1.4.2: Add-Ons for the Storefront Theme:

  • Storefront Powerpack (Premium, by WooCommerce/ Automattic, Inc.)
  • Storefront Blog Customiser (Premium, by WooCommerce/ Automattic, Inc.)
  • Storefront Parallax Hero (Premium, by WooCommerce/ Automattic, Inc.)
  • Storefront Product Hero (Premium, by WooThemes/ Automattic, Inc.)
  • Storefront Pricing Tables (Premium, by WooCommerce/ Automattic, Inc.)
  • Storefront Homepage Contact Section (free, by WooThemes/ Automattic, Inc.)
  • Storefront Footer Bar (free, by WooThemes/ Automattic, Inc.)
  • Storefront Blog Excerpt (free, by Wooassist)
  • Storefront Top Bar (free, by Wooassist)
  • Storefront Site Logo (free, by Wooassist)
  • Storefront Footer Copyright Text (free, by QuadMenu)
  • Storefront Hooks Customizer (free, by mikeyarce)
  • Storefront Google Fonts (free, by Atlantis Themes)

New, 1.4.2: Extended Plugin support for Block Editor Add-Ons (Gutenberg):

  • Ghost Kit (free, by nK)
  • Cosmic Blocks (free, by Cosmic WP)
  • WP Block Pack (free, by Falcon Theme)
  • Easy Blocks for Gutenberg (free, by Liton Arefin)
  • A/B Testing for WordPress (free, by CleverNode)
  • Easy Blocks PRO (free, by Seerox)
  • WooCommerce Custom Email Blocks (free, by VillaTheme)
  • Qubely Blocks (free, by Themeum)
  • Bootstrap Blocks for WP Editor (free, by Virgial Berveling)
  • Guten-bubble (free, by


16 Mar 17:33
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⚡ 1.4.1 - 2019-03-05

  • New: Successfully tested with WordPress 5.1
  • Tweak: Added new resource link for "Elementor Extras" (by Namogo) plugin support
  • Tweak: Added new developer resource link for "WPForms" plugin support
  • Tweak: Changed GitHub resource links for Elementor support to new the URLs
  • Tweak: Switched the Customizer and Admin link positions for "Nav Menus" in the Site Group
  • Tweak: Updated .pot file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs
  • Fix: Removing of WordPress Widgets from Elementor Live Editor (panel) now works again, especially with Elementor 2.5.0 or higher - thanks to user feedback (Topic)


15 Jan 00:59
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1.4.0 - 2019-01-14

  • New: Full support for WordPress 5.0+ new Block Editor (Gutenberg) - set as default "Page Builder" integration (for Toolbar); also supported are popular plugins "Classic Editor" and "Disable Gutenberg" plugins
  • New: Lots of additional resource links for Block Editor (Gutenberg) added (can be disabled like other resources)
  • New: Support for dozens of Block Editor specific Gutenberg Add-On plugins and themes now built-in - see appropriate changelog sections below -- the add-on support can be disabled via plugin's settings
  • New: You can now set a default Page Builder (in General settings tab) - perfect if you are using the new Block Editor (Gutenberg) for posts but Elementor Page Builder for everything else - this is also in preparation for upcoming Add-Ons for other Page Builders
  • New: Add new items to the WP Comments Group - as well as the popular newcomer "Thrive Comments" plugin - additional items can be disabled via plugin's settings
  • New: Add plugin support for "Thrive Comments" (Premium, by Thrive Themes) - if active it replaces the comments moderation link in the Toolbar with the Thrive Comments Moderation queue, which is only logical (and natural then) - of course this integrates with the before mentioned WP Comments Group support as well :)
  • New: Customize the Howdy/Welcome item on top right corner - replace "Howdy" word, or use complete custom strings; set custom URL
  • New: Greatly enhanced the "Fallback" item (instead of Main item, in "Build" Group) - if no supported Page Builder active, you can now still set a different icon, name and even URL
  • New: For Main Item (Build Group) you can now optionally set a custom URL, including the URL target
  • New: Added more detailed help tabs and enhanced help content throughout - also improved user guidance on different areas of the plugin
  • New: On user profile pages added short info/description and link to plugin's settings page (to adjust more stuff for the Toolbar)
  • New: For Dev Mode - add additional sub page under "Appearance" for the Theme Installer ZIP Uploader - more convenient for admins and site builders testing themes during development phases for example :)
  • New: For Dev Mode - add additional sub page under "Plugins" for the Plugin Installer ZIP Uploader - more convenient for admins and site builders installing and/or testing (premium) plugins
  • New: For Dev Mode - added (optional) "ID" sub item for viewing Archives, Singles, Taxonomies - makes it easier to determine the ID of a given object/item - and avoids yet another plugin
  • New: For Dev Mode - added "Newest Plugins" to the plugin installer sub items in the Toolbar (developers often need to test new plugins, this new item saves them a few clicks!)
  • New: For Dev Mode - added "Newest Themes" to the theme installer sub items in the Toolbar (developers often need to test new themes, this new item saves them a few clicks!)
  • Mew: Prepared plugin internally for its first (upcoming) Add-On plugin
  • New: Added full support for newest features and changes coming with Elementor v2.4.0+, including Elementor Pro v2.4.0+
  • New: Added "Toolbar Extras" integration with "Elementor Finder" feature - the interactive search since Elementor v2.3.0+
  • New: Added official and third-party external "Elementor Resources" to the Elementor Finder feature
  • New: Added the Elementor Tools tasks for "Regnerating CSS" (clear cache) and re-syncing the (external) Template Library to the Toolbar - Note: this is only available within the Admin context, not on the Frontend Toolbar!
  • New: Added full plugin support for Yoast SEO and Yoast SEO Premium, including re-hooking from the top-level to the Site Group (optional Smart Tweak)
  • New: Added "Toolbar Tools" submenu to "Tools" (currently pointing to our "Smart Tweaks")
  • New: Added CSS styling to fix the overflow issue from WordPress Core, with too many top-level Toolbar items, for screens/viewports equal or wider than 783px
  • New: Added full Theme support for "Suki" (free), including all current features of the optional Suki Pro Add-On plugin (Premium) (both by SukiWP/ David Rozando)
  • New: Added plugin support for "Easy Updates Manager" (free, by Easy Updates Manager Team) - plus a Smart Tweak to remove the top-level Toolbar item of the plugin
  • New: Successfully tested with latest WordPress versions 5.0.3 and 5.0.2 before
  • Tweak: Updated and further improved the styling of the plugin's settings page: easier to visually distinct various settings sections and fields - also included: better support for the "Dark Mode" plugin
  • Tweak: Added new external site check service "Load Impact" to the Web Group (optional Smart Tweak)
  • Tweak: Added submit/test Site URLs or Singular URLs for "GTmetrix", "Google PageSpeed Insights" and "Load Impact" for the Web Group (optional Smart Tweak)
  • Tweak: Again, greatly enhanced plugin support for "Genesis Design Palette Pro" - with sub section links, plus Customizer deep links (if enabled)
  • Tweak: Greatly enhanced "Customify" Theme support - added more Toolbar items, as well as all new Pro Modules (via Customify Pro Add-On plugin)
  • Tweak: Improved and updated "OceanWP" Theme support, including some Add-Ons (Demos, Wizard, Posts Slider etc.)
  • Tweak: Enhanced "SEOPress" plugin support with re-hook setting feature (optional Smart Tweak) to move items from top-level to the Site Group
  • Tweak: Switched the Customizer and Admin link positions for "Widgets" in the Site Group
  • Tweak: Enhanced "JetEngine" plugin support - which is out of beta - added Meta Boxes, Post Relations
  • Tweak: Enhanced "Everest Forms" plugin support - added individual form preview links that are now available within Everest
  • Tweak: For "WP Schema Pro" plugin support - respect the advanced setting of menu position (dynamic)
  • Tweak: Improved "Mai Lifestyle Pro" Theme support - better integration for its "Mai Theme Engine" plugin, plus integration of "Mai Demo Importer" Add-On
  • Tweak: Optimized "Genesis" overall Theme support when using lots of sub items from child theme and various supported plugins
  • Tweak: Enhanced "Astra" Theme support - added EDD Customizer module
  • Tweak: Enhanced "Elementor Hello" Theme support
  • Tweak: Enhanced "Page Builder Framework" Theme support - new "White Label" feature via WPBF Premium Add-On
  • Tweak: Improved string rendering & translations for some of the supported form builder plugins
  • Tweak: Improved plugin support for "Livemesh Addons for Elementor Premium"
  • Tweak: Enhanced plugin support for "WooCommerce"
  • Tweak: Enhanced plugin support for "WPForms" (Lite) and "WPForms Pro"
  • Tweak: Enhanced plugin support for "WP Synchro"
  • Tweak: For color picker set color palette with appropriate predefined colors (Toolbar color in "Local Development Environment" settings)
  • Tweak: For my own plugin, "Builder Template Categories", added it to the full Block Editor (Gutenberg) integration
  • Tweak: For Dev Mode - added new resource item (Block Editor Handbook)
  • Tweak: Added some new translator inline comments, and improved some existing ones
  • Tweak: Updated bundled library Persistant Admin notices Removal to latest version (v1.4.2) - Important: you may need to dismiss the notices once again
  • Tweak: Enhanced plugin recommendations (powered by DDWlib Plugin Installer Recommendations)
  • Tweak: Updated .pot file plus all German translations (formal, informal) and language packs
  • Tweak: Enhanced, improved and corrected Readme.txt file here - also added new FAQ entry
  • Fix: Minor HTML markup issues on the settings page

New, 1.4.0: Extended the Theme support for:

  • Atomic Blocks (free, by Atomic Blocks/ Array Themes)
  • Editor Blocks (free, by Editor Blocks/ Danny Cooper)
  • Twenty Nineteen (free, the team) - Note: the new default theme since WordPress 5.0+
  • Mai Law Pro (Child Theme for Genesis) (Premium, by Mike Hemberger, BizBudding Inc.)
  • CoBlocks (free, by Rich Tabor of CoBlocks)
  • Sydney (free, by athemes)
  • Suki (free, by SukiWP/ David Rozando) - including Suki Pro Add-On plugin (Premium, by SukiWP/ David Rozando)
  • Visual Composer Starter (free, by The Visual Composer Team)

New, 1.4.0: Extended the Plugin support for Elementor Add-Ons:

  • JetWidgets For Elementor (free, by CrocoBlock/ Zemez Jet)
  • JetWoo Widgets For Elementor (free, by CrocoBlock/ Zemez Jet)
  • Custom Icons for Elementor (free, by Michael Bourne)
  • Widgets For Elementor (free, by maxster)
  • Envato Elements – Template Kits (Beta) (free, by Envato) - Also integration in New Content installer
  • StylePress for Elementor (free, by David Baker (dtbaker)) - Note: only for plugin version v1.2.1 or higher!
  • Formentor – Elementor Form Plus (free, by Tziki Trop)
  • JetPopup (Premium, by Zemez Jet/ CrocoBlock)
  • JetSmartFilters (Premium, by Zemez Jet/ CrocoBlock)
  • JetDesignKit (Premium, by Zemez Jet/ CrocoBlock)
  • JetWooProductGallery (Premium, by Zemez Jet/ CrocoBlock)
  • GT3 Elementor Photo Gallery (free, by GT3 Themes)
  • Opal Megamenu for Elementor (free, by wpopal)
  • Opal Widgets for Elementor (free, by wpopal)
  • Elementor White Label (free, by Nam Truong, PhoenixDigi Việt Nam)
  • Elementor White Label Pro (Premium, by Nam Truong, PhoenixDigi Việt Nam)
  • Elementor White Label Branding (free, by Ozan Canakli)
  • PowerPack Lite for Elementor (free, by IdeaBox Creations)

New, 1.4.0: Introduced Plugin support for Block Editor Add-Ons (Gutenberg):

  • Disable Gutenberg (free, by Jeff Starr)
  • Custom Fields for Gutenberg (free, by Jeff Starr)
  • Block Lab (free, by Block Lab)
  • Advanced Custom Blocks (free, by Rheinard Korf, Luke Carbis, Rob Stinson)
  • WP Block Ink (free, by Dave Ryan)
  • Lazy Blocks – Gutenberg Blocks Constructor (free, by nK)
Read more