System Requirements:
- Scala 2.12.8
- Play Framework 2.7.2
- Sangria GraphQL 1.4.2
- Slick 3.3.0
Project Structure :
- app:
- controllers
(for graphql endpoint and parse json)
- errors
(for handling error when something already exist like username or something unique)AmbigousResult
(for handling error when query or something have a ambigous)NotFound
(for handling error when search something like name and result is nothing)
- graphql
- input
- resolvers (resolver berisi method-method yang bisa dipanggil saat request, kegunaan resolver untuk meresolve query atau mutation contohnya untuk memanggil repository tetapi seharusnya memanggil services karna untuk contoh jadi memanggil repository)
- schemas (schemas berisi struktur dari method-method yang bisa dipanggil disini yang akan memparse query or mutation dan memanggil resolver yang dibutuhkan. schemas juga berguna untuk men-generate struktur seperti apa yang bisa dipanggil saat request)
(adalah root yang berisi schema-schema yang dapat digunakan saat request.GraphQL
dipanggil juga diAppController
(adalah kumpulan type yang bisa digunakan sebagai type atau input type dari graphql)
- input
- models
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classRole
juga berisi object dariRoleTable
yang digunakan untuk Slick)User
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classUser
juga berisi object dariUserTable
yang digunakan untuk Slick)Category
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classCategory
juga berisi object dariCategoryTable
yang digunakan untuk Slick)Customer
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classCustomer
juga berisi object dariCustomer
yang digunakan untuk Slick)ProductDetail
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classProductDetail
juga berisi object dariProductDetailTable
yang digunakan untuk Slick)Products
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classProducts
juga berisi object dariProductsTable
yang digunakan untuk Slick)ProductStock
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classProductStock
juga berisi object dariProductStockTable
yang digunakan untuk Slick)Sessions
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classSession
juga berisi object dariSessionTable
yang digunakan untuk Slick)Shipment
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classShipment
juga berisi object dariUserTable
yang digunakan untuk Slick)Staff
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classStaff
juga berisi object dariStaffTable
yang digunakan untuk Slick)Store
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classStore
juga berisi object dariStoreTable
yang digunakan untuk Slick)Supplier
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classSupplier
juga berisi object dariSupplierTable
yang digunakan untuk Slick)Transaction
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classTrasaction
juga berisi object dariTrasactionTable
yang digunakan untuk Slick)TransactionDetail
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classTrasactionDetail
juga berisi object dariTrasactionDetailTable
yang digunakan untuk Slick)UserProfile
(berisi representasi dari Table database dan di classUserProfile
juga berisi object dariUserProfileTable
yang digunakan untuk Slick)
- modules
(berisi configurasi database seperti profile, driver, dan pengaturan lainnya)RoleModules
(berisi configurasi untuk menselaraskan RoleRepository dan RoleRepositoryImpl agar dapat digunakan)CategoryModules
(berisi configurasi untuk menselaraskan CategoryRepository dan CategoryRepositoryImpl agar dapat digunakan)StaffModules
(berisi configurasi untuk menselaraskan StaffRepository dan StaffRepositoryImpl agar dapat digunakan)UserModules
(berisi configurasi untuk menselaraskan UserRepository dan UserRepositoryImpl agar dapat digunakan)UserProfileModules
(berisi configurasi untuk menselaraskan UserProfileRepository dan UserProfileRepositoryImpl agar dapat digunakan)ProductModules
(berisi configurasi untuk menselaraskan ProductRepository dan ProductRepositoryImpl agar dapat digunakan)ProductDetailModules
(berisi configurasi untuk menselaraskan ProductDetailRepository dan ProductDetailRepositoryImpl agar dapat digunakan)ProductStockModules
(berisi configurasi untuk menselaraskan ProductStockRepository dan ProductStockRepositoryImpl agar dapat digunakan)
- repositories
- repositoryInterfaces
(is a interface or in Scala known as Trait for CRUD for Category)ProductsRepository
(is a interface or in Scala known as Trait for CRUD for Products)ProductDetailRepository
(is a interface or in Scala known as Trait for CRUD for ProductDetail)ProductStockRepository
(is a interface or in Scala known as Trait for CRUD for ProductStock)RoleRepository
(is a interface or in Scala known as Trait for CRUD for Role)UserRepository
(is a interface or in Scala known as Trait for CRUD for User)StaffRepository
(is a interface or in Scala known as Trait for CRUD for Staff)UserProfileRepository
(is a interface or in Scala known as Trait for CRUD for UserProfile)
(is a implementation for RoleRepository)UserRepositoryImpl
(is a implementation for UserRepository)CategoryRepositoryImpl
(is a implementation for UserRepository)ProductsRepositoryImpl
(is a implementation for ProductsRepository)ProductDetailRepositoryImpl
(is a implementation for ProductDetailRepository)ProductStockRepositoryImpl
(is a implementation for ProductStockRepository)StaffRepositoryImpl
(is a implementation for StaffRepository)UserProfileRepositoryImpl
(is a implementation for UserProfileRepository)
- repositoryInterfaces
- services
(is a service for manage category like a business logic in here)ProductDetailService
- utilities
(is a utility for authentication)BCryptUtility
(is a utility for BCrypt)BelanjaYukConstant
(is a utility for constant variable)CustomScalar
(is a utility for scalar graphql)QueryUtility
(is a utility for TableQuery variable)SchemaGenerator
(is a utility for generate DDL)
- views
(is ui for graphql but is not a mandatory because you can request a api from Postman or anything that can support GraphQL)
- controllers
- conf
- evolution
- default
(for generate database. is auto generate where /schema endpoint was called)
- default
(notes for implement the modules you must write configuration like play.modules.enabled += "modules.RoleModule" and play.modules.enabled += "modules.DBModule". if you not write that you can have a error message like "CreationException: Unable to create injector, see the following errors:" and a message no implementation for repositories blablabla)logback.xml
(for setup logger)routes
- evolution
(all dependencies are written here)
- write a model and define a table for slick
- write a repository like crud for your model (trait of repository and repository implementation)
- write modules for repository and include DbModules for DB Configuraion
- write configuration for modules in application.conf
- write service (1 service 1 model and call repository)
- write graphql type or input type in
and write Input type in package graphql.input - write resolver for resolve a query or mutation from request (1 resolver 1 models and called service)
- write schema definition in
- write
for combine all schemas query and mutation - write controllers (only single endpoint for graphql but if you use graphiql you must add one endpoint for graphiql)
- add a route for graphql (POST endpoint and if you use graphiql you must add one root)
- and
while(noSuccess) {
if(dead) break
- UNPAID = 0
- PAID = 1
- EMPTY = 0
scalar BigDecimal
scalar Long
scalar UUID
type Category {
name: String!
status: Boolean!
id: UUID!
input CheckTransactionDetailInput {
transactionDetailId: String!
status: Int!
input CheckTransactionInput {
transactionId: String!
transactionDetail: [CheckTransactionDetailInput!]!
type CreatePurchasesTransactionResult {
status: Int!
purchasesTransactionId: UUID!
type CreateTransactionResult {
status: Int!
transactionId: UUID!
type Credential {
bearerToken: String!
username: String!
roleName: String!
id: UUID!
type Customer {
status: Boolean!
id: UUID!
user: User
type Mutation {
login(username: String!, password: String!): Credential!
updateStore(name: String!, phoneNumber: String!, address: String!): Store
createStaff(staff: StaffInput!): Staff
staffId: String!
fullName: String!
phoneNumber: String!
address: String!
noNik: String!
dateOfBirth: Long!
roleId: String!
staffEmail: String!
): Staff
deleteStaff(staffId: String!): Staff
oldPassword: String!
newPassword: String!
confirmPassword: String!
): Boolean!
createProduct(product: ProductInput!): Products!
createCategory(name: String!): Category!
deleteCategory(id: String!): Int!
createProductStock(name: String!): ProductStock!
deleteProductStock(id: String!): Int!
productId: String!
categoryId: String!
name: String!
): Products
deleteProduct(id: String!): Boolean!
deleteProductDetail(id: String!): Boolean!
createProductDetail(productDetail: ProductDetailInput!): ProductDetail!
productDetail(id: String!): ProductDetail
createTransaction: CreateTransactionResult!
checkout(transaction: TransactionInput!): TransactionResult!
transactionId: String!
amountOfPayment: BigDecimal!
): TransactionResult!
updateStaffTransaction(transactionId: String!, staffId: String!): UUID
updateCustomerTransaction(transactionId: String!, customerId: String!): UUID
payOffDebt(transactionId: String!, amountPaid: BigDecimal!): Transaction
name: String!
phoneNumber: String!
address: String!
): Supplier
id: String!
name: String!
phoneNumber: String!
address: String!
): Supplier
deleteSupplier(id: String!): Int!
createCustomer(customer: UserProfileInput!): Customer
customerId: String!
fullName: String!
phoneNumber: String!
address: String!
noNik: String!
dateOfBirth: Long!
): Customer
deleteCustomer(id: String!): Int!
createPurchasesTransaction: CreatePurchasesTransactionResult!
purchasesTransaction: PurchasesTransactionInput!
): PurchasesTransactionsResult!
purchasesTransactionId: String!
amountOfPayment: BigDecimal!
): PurchasesTransactionsResult!
checkTransaction(checkTransaction: CheckTransactionInput!): Int
refundTransaction(transactionId: String!): RefundTransactionResult!
completeRefund(transactionId: String!): Transaction
type Payment {
debt: BigDecimal!
amountOfPayment: BigDecimal!
id: UUID!
type ProductDetail {
value: Int!
status: Boolean!
id: UUID!
productStock: ProductStock
sellingPrice: BigDecimal!
purchasePrice: BigDecimal!
product: Products
input ProductDetailInput {
productStockId: String!
sellingPrice: BigDecimal!
purchasePrice: BigDecimal!
value: Int!
productId: String!
input ProductInput {
name: String!
SKU: String!
stock: Int!
categoryId: String!
imageUrl: String!
productDetailInput: [ProductDetailInput!]!
type Products {
SKU: String!
name: String!
stock: Int!
imageUrl: String!
status: Boolean!
id: UUID!
category: Category
productDetail: [ProductDetail!]!
type ProductStock {
name: String!
status: Boolean!
id: UUID!
type PurchasesTransactionDetail {
numberOfPurchases: Int!
id: UUID!
purchasesTransactionId: UUID!
productDetail: ProductDetail
input PurchasesTransactionDetailInput {
productDetailId: String!
numberOfPurchase: Int!
input PurchasesTransactionInput {
purchasesTransactionId: String!
supplierId: String!
staffId: String!
detail: [PurchasesTransactionDetailInput!]!
type PurchasesTransactionsResult {
status: Int!
totalPrice: BigDecimal!
debt: BigDecimal!
details: [PurchasesTransactionDetail!]!
type Query {
store: Store
categories: [Category!]!
productStocks: [ProductStock!]!
roles: [Role!]!
product(productId: String!): Products
products: [Products!]!
transactions(status: Int!): [Transaction!]!
transaction(transactionId: String!): Transaction
transactionsWithLimit(limit: Int!, status: Int!): TransactionsResult!
transactionsWithRange(fromDate: Long!, toDate: Long!): [Transaction!]!
transactionsByPaymentStatus(paymentStatus: Int!): [Transaction!]!
staffs: [Staff!]!
staff(staffId: String!): Staff
productDetails(productId: String!): [ProductDetail!]!
customers: [Customer!]!
customer(customerId: String!): Customer
suppliers: [Supplier!]!
supplier(supplierId: String!): Supplier
type RefundTransactionResult {
totalRefund: BigDecimal!
totalPrice: BigDecimal!
transactionDetails: [TransactionDetail!]!
type Role {
name: String!
id: UUID!
type Staff {
status: Boolean!
id: UUID!
user: User
role: Role
input StaffInput {
roleId: String!
userInput: UserInput!
userProfileInput: UserProfileInput!
type Store {
name: String!
phoneNumber: String!
address: String!
id: UUID!
type Supplier {
name: String!
phoneNumber: String!
address: String!
status: Boolean!
id: UUID!
type Transaction {
paymentStatus: Int!
totalPrice: BigDecimal!
profit: BigDecimal!
status: Int!
date: Long!
id: UUID!
transactionDetail: [TransactionDetail!]!
staff: Staff
customer: Customer
payment: Payment
type TransactionDetail {
numberOfPurchases: Int!
status: Int!
id: UUID!
transactionID: UUID!
productDetail: ProductDetail
input TransactionDetailInput {
productDetailId: String!
numberOfPurchase: Int!
input TransactionInput {
transactionId: String!
customerId: String!
staffId: String!
detail: [TransactionDetailInput!]!
type TransactionResult {
status: Int!
totalPrice: BigDecimal!
debt: BigDecimal!
details: [TransactionDetail!]!
type TransactionsResult {
totalCount: Int!
hasNextData: Boolean!
transactions: [Transaction!]!
type User {
username: String!
password: String!
email: String!
userProfile: UserProfile
input UserInput {
username: String!
password: String!
email: String!
type UserProfile {
fullName: String!
phoneNumber: String!
address: String!
noNik: String!
dateOfBirth: Long!
id: UUID!
input UserProfileInput {
fullName: String!
phoneNumber: String!
address: String!
noNik: String!
dateOfBirth: Long!
pardon my english. - DA99 -