Cothority v3.4.5
Significant fixes to Byzcoin leader election. E-voting stability fixes.
- #2277: Protect against bad input from voters
- #2239: Adding deletion and preIDs for Calypso contracts
- #2255: fixes the initialization of the viewchange when the node starts up
- #2261, #2262: Add a caching system for the stateTries
- #2268: Fix viewchange threshold
- #2266: Removing the BLS signature from the view-change
- #2271: makes sure that higher-level links that lead to nowhere are removed
- #2280: Update viewchange-index
- #2284: speed up bcadmin replay
- #2286: Improve behaviour when nodes are down
- #2288: make sure that a latest block is really the latest
- #2291: fix wallet
Other fixes: