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Haskell Happy & Alex: Typed Polish Notation (Łukasiewicz) Calculator

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Happy & Alex: Typed Polish Notation (Łukasiewicz) Calculator

This is a home of the lukcal language.

🪄 This is a project for experimenting with Happy and Alex.
🙃 This is a very simplistic language with no practical use intended, but is certainly encouraged.

What is LukCal?

It is a Polish notation inspired language implementation using Happy and Alex Haskell libraries.

~~ Number + 1 2
-- Evaluating which will produce: Right (NumberResult 3)

~~ Text + cup cake
-- Evaluating which will produce: Right (TextResult "cupcake")
Additional reading

Language syntax

On a high-level, lukcal is a language supporting a prefix-form binary and unary expressions, with optional type hints:

PROGRAM       = *(comment / expression)
comment       = "--" text
expression    = ["~~" hint] (operator term / operator term term / "(" expression ")")
hint          = text
term          = (text / number / expression)
operator      = ("+" / "-" / "*" / "/")
text          = 1*ALPHA ; any text
number        = 1*DIGIT ; any natural (with zero)

Language feature backlog:

  • unary operations
  • binary operations
  • comments
  • type hints
  • flexible operator arity

💡 Detailed implementation of the supported syntax is in ./lukcal/src/Language/Parser.y


-- 👀 Expressions in LukCal do not require type hints:
+ 1 (+ 2 (+ 3 4))
-- =={eval}== Right (NumberResult 10)

-- 👌 But you can add them if you would like:
~~ Number + 1 (+ 2 (~~ Number + 3 4))
-- =={type check}== Right (Just (STypeHint "Number"), "Inferred type is: ...")
-- =={eval}== Right (NumberResult 10)

-- 🤲 The type system of LukCal allows operations only on identical types:
~~ Text + chocolate (~~ Text + cup cake)
-- =={type check}== Right (Just (STypeHint "Text"), "Inferred type is: ...")
-- =={eval}== Right (TextResult "chocolatecupcake")

-- 😨 And if the types are not respected, LukCal will not compute the result
+ 1 cake
-- =={type check}== Left (Nothing, "Inferred type is: Nothing, specified: Nothing")
-- =={eval}== Left "Unsupported operator: +, for inputs: Right (NumberResult 1), and Right (TextResult "cup")"

💡 Detailed implementation of the evaluation is in ./lukcal/src/Language/Evaluator.hs and type checking in ./lukcal/src/Language/TypeChecker.hs


The lukcal toolkit is implemented using Haskell in ./lukcal/.


$ cd lukcal && stack install && cd ..
$ lukcal-cli --help
The lukcal program

lukcal [COMMAND] ... [OPTIONS]

Common flags:
  -c --checktypes=ITEM
  -i --infertypes=ITEM
  -? --help             Display help message
  -V --version          Print version information

lukcal exec [OPTIONS]

  -e --eval=ITEM        Expression to evaluate

lukcal file [OPTIONS]

  -e --eval=FILE        File to evaluate

Toolkit usage

🏗️ NB: the toolkit is still in development, so the output may not be the most readable, and all suggestions are very welcome!


$ lukcal-cli exec --eval "~~ Text + cup cake"
"Right (TextResult \"cupcake\")"

Type inference

$ lukcal-cli exec --infer "~~ Text + cup cake"
"Just (STypeHint \"Text\")"

Type checking

$ lukcal-cli exec --check "~~ Text + cup cake"
"Right (Just (STypeHint \"Text\"),\"Inferred type is: Just (STypeHint \\\"Text\\\"), specified: Just (STypeHint \\\"Text\\\")\")"


Haskell Happy & Alex: Typed Polish Notation (Łukasiewicz) Calculator







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