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MARS-Gym (MArketplace Recommender Systems Gym), a benchmark framework for modeling, training, and evaluating RL-based recommender systems for marketplaces.
Three main components composes the framework:
- Data Engineering Module: A highly customizable module where the consumer can ingest and process a massive amount of data for learning using spark jobs.
- Simulation Module: Holds an extensible module built on top of PyTorch to design learning architectures. It also possesses an OpenAI’s Gym environment that ingests the processed dataset to run a multi-agent system that simulates the targeted marketplace.
- Evaluation Module: Provides a set of distinct perspectives on the agent’s performance. It presents traditional recommendation metrics, off-policy evaluation metrics, and fairness indicators. This component is powered by a user-friendly interface to facilitate the analysis and comparison betweenagents
- python=3.6.7
- pandas=0.25.1
- matplotlib=2.2.2
- scipy=1.3.1
- numpy=1.17.0
- seaborn=0.8.1
- scikit-learn=0.21.2
- pytorch=1.2.0
- tensorboardx=1.6
- luigi=2.7.5
- tqdm=4.33
- requests=2.18.4
- jupyterlab=1.0.2
- ipywidgets=7.5.1
- diskcache=3.0.6
- pyspark=2.4.3
- psutil=5.2.2
- category_encoders
- plotly=4.4.1
- imbalanced-learn==0.4.3
- torchbearer==0.5.1
- pytorch-nlp==0.4.1
- unidecode==1.1.1
- streamlit==0.52.2
- gym==0.15.4
Free software: MIT license
pip install mars-gym
You can also install the in-development version with:
pip install
To run the all tests run:
Note, to combine the coverage data from all the tox environments run:
Windows | set PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append tox |
Other | PYTEST_ADDOPTS=--cov-append tox |
mars-gym run interaction --project PROJECT \
--n-factors N_FACTORS --learning-rate LR --optimizer OPTIMIZER \
--epochs EPOCHS --obs-batch-size OBS_BATCH \
--batch-size BATCH_SIZE --num-episodes NUM_EP \
--bandit-policy BANDIT --bandit-policy-params BANDIT_PARAMS
mars-gym evaluate iteraction \
--model-task-id MODEL_TASK_ID --fairness-columns "[]" \
--direct-estimator-class DE_CLASS
mars-gym viz
Please cite the associated paper for this work if you use this code:
@misc{santana2020marsgym, title={MARS-Gym: A Gym framework to model, train, and evaluate Recommender Systems for Marketplaces}, author={Marlesson R. O. Santana and Luckeciano C. Melo and Fernando H. F. Camargo and Bruno Brandão and Anderson Soares and Renan M. Oliveira and Sandor Caetano}, year={2020}, eprint={2010.07035}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, primaryClass={cs.IR} }