title: gr-cuda brief: Library that integrates CUDA GPU processing with GNU Radio tags: GPU, CUDA author: Peter Witkowski copyright_owner: Deepwave Digital, Inc. https://deepwavedigital.com
- gnuradio (v3.7.9 or newer)
- pycuda (v2017.1 or newer)
This OOT module contains experimental code on integration of GPU processing into GNU Radio by using the PyCUDA library to run CUDA code from within GNU Radio.
-> gpu_kernel.py: This is a Python block that runs an arbitrary CUDA kernel from within GNU Radio. Currently the CUDA kernel simply divides every sample by two, but this can be changed by the end user if desired.
- Install Dependencies
- Clone the gr-cuda repo
- Install the OOT Module -> cd gr-cuda; mkdir build; cd build -> cmake ../ -> make -> sudo make install
- cd gr-cuda/build
- sudo make uninstall