If my_address_file_geocoded.csv
is a file in the current working directory with coordinate columns named lat
and lon
, then the DeGAUSS command:
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/tmp ghcr.io/degauss-org/aadt:0.2.2 my_address_file_geocoded.csv
will produce my_address_file_geocoded_aadt_0.2.2_400m_buffer.csv
with added columns describing the average annual daily traffic within a 400 meter buffer radius of each point:
: total length of interstates, expressways, and freeways (meters)length_stop_go
: total length of arterial roads (meters)vehicle_meters_moving
: average daily number of vehicles multiplied by the length of interstates, expressways, and freeways (vehicle-meters)vehicle_meters_stop_go
: average daily number of vehicles multiplied by the length of arterial roads (vehicle-meters)truck_meters_moving
: average daily number of trucks multiplied by the length of interstates, expressways, and freeways (truck-meters)truck_meters_stop_go
: average daily number of trucks multiplied by the length of arterial roads (truck-meters)
The default buffer radius is 400 meters, but can be changed by supplying an optional argument to the degauss command. For example,
docker run --rm -v $PWD:/tmp ghcr.io/degauss-org/aadt:0.2.2 my_address_file_geocoded.csv 800
will produce my_address_file_geocoded_aadt_0.2.2_800m_buffer.csv
, and all output will be values within an 800 m buffer.
This container was built using the addAadtData package.
- AADT data was obtained from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration. For more information, see aadt_shp_to_qs.
- AADT data is stored by state at
, but is also included in the Docker image.
For detailed documentation on DeGAUSS, including general usage and installation, please see the DeGAUSS homepage.