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bone framework

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Be ye wantin a PHP framework peppered with local pirate lingo?
It be the most bare bones framework in the seven seas!


  • PSR-7 http messaging
  • PSR-11 dependency injection container configuration
  • PSR-15 middleware routing

Bone now be on v3.x! The entire deign o' th' ship has been streamlined and be far more manoeuvrable! We be usin' a PSR-11 dependency injection container, coupled with a PSR-15 middleware router, in a modular manner! Jump on board!


First make sure you have Composer! Then install Bone.

composer create-project delboy1978uk/bonemvc your/path/here

or if you haven't installed composer globally ...

php composer.phar create-project delboy1978uk/bonemvc your/path/here 

See below for information on how to get a complete dev server using Docker


You can drop in any number of .php files into the config/ folder. Make sure they return an array with the config . You can override configuration based on environment var APPLICATION_ENV, so for instance if the environment was production it would load the additional config the production subdirectory.

There are several config files by default:


In your config files, you can add anything you want. It gets stored in the Bone\Mvc\Registry.


Set your default db credentials in the main config/db.php, and any environment specific configs in a subdirectory

    'db' => array(
            'host' => '',
            'database' => 'bone',
            'user' => 'leChuck',
            'pass' => 'bigWh00p',

Then in yer controller, ye can get a PDO connection by saying:



Bone supports translation into different locales. Translation files (gettext .po and .mo) should be placed in data/translations, under a subdirectory of the locale, eg data/translations/en_GB/en_GB.po. You can set the default locale and an array of supported locales.


    use Zend\I18n\Translator\Loader\Gettext;

    return [ 
        'i18n' => [ 
            'translations_dir' => 'data/translations', 
            'type' => Gettext::class, 
            'default_locale' => 'en_PI', 
            'supported_locales' => ['en_PI', 'en_GB', 'nl_BE', 'fr_BE'], 

To use the translator, you can simply call:To use the translator, you can simply call:

// from a controller: 
// to set locale
// from a view file:


Bone uses monolog/monolog, and logs can be found in data/logs.Currently we only support writing to files, but you can add as many channels as you like:

return [ 
    'log' => [ 
        'channels' => [ 
            'default' => 'data/logs/default_log', 

To use the logger in a controller:

$this->getLog()->debug($message) // or error(), etc, see PSR-3


Bone uses Zend Mail. To configure the mail client, just drop in your config (see zend mail docs)

return [ 
    'mail' => [ 
        'name' => '', 
        'host' => 'localhost', 
        'port' => 25, 
     // 'connection_class' => 'login', // plain, login, crammd5
     // 'connection_config' => [
     //     'username' => 'user',
     //     'password' => 'pass',
     //  ],

If you are using the Docker Box provided by bone, you also have the awesome MailHog at your disposal. Browse to and you'll see a catch all email inbox, so you never need to worry about development emails reaching the real world.

modules and packages

Modules can be created in your src/ folder. The default module is Bone\App\AppPackage. Modules are enabled by adding them in config/packages.php. Vendor packages can also be installed via composer and enabled in the same way.

the module package class

A module at the very least will implement Barnacle\RegistrationInterface, and if it is an MVC module containing routes then it should also implement Bone\Router\RouterConfigInterface. There are four methods in all to implement:

  • hasEntityPath(): bool, if your module uses doctrine entities return true (requires delboy1978uk/bone-doctrine package)
  • getEntityPath(): string, if you return true, this is the folder your entity class resides.
  • addToContainer(Container $c), described below
  • addRoutes(Container $c, Router $router): Router, described below

addToContainer(Container $c)

You can create factories for your classes and otherwise initialise anythiung required elsewhere in your app. As an example, a Controller class may wish to have the view Engine injected in, so in the method you would add the following:

$c[MyController::class] = $c->factory(function (Container $c) {
    $view = $c->get(PlatesEngine::class);
    return new MyController($view);

The dependency injection container is delboy1978uk/barnacle, which is essentially Pimple extended and implementing PSR-11.

addRoutes(Container $c)

Bone MVC uses league/route, a PSR-15 middleware library. Routes are added in your package like so:

     * @param Container $c
     * @param Router $router
     * @return Router
    public function addRoutes(Container $c, Router $router): Router
        $router->map('GET', '/', [IndexController::class, 'indexAction']);
        $router->map('GET', '/learn', [IndexController::class, 'learnAction']);

        return $router;

See their docs for more info on router usage

additional libraries

Avast ye! We be usin' some additional libs by th' Cap'n (delboy1978uk), namely:


Fer the CDN lib, ye can quickly echo out javascript and css using Del\Cdn, see App\View\layouts\bonemvc.php fer an example.

See also use Del\Icon and Del\Css, which come as part of the cdn lib.

Ye can create custom Bootstrap ready forms usin' delboy1978uk/form, see the Github page fer details.

Ye can quickly make a new module usin' th' generator CLI command.

Ye can manipulate images usin' th' gd PHP functions, with the Del\Image class.

Ye can set Session variables usin' Del\SessionManager, see GitHub for info.

get swashbucklin'! gaarrrrr!