2023 semester project for the Human Robotics Interaction course at JHU. A pick and place robot program.
- Michael DeLeo - @deleomike
- Cyrus Hossainian - @chossai1
- Emma Kaufman - @emmakaufman14
- Saamahn Mahjouri - @saams4u
- Matlab
- Python 3.10
- Python 2.7
- Ultra Leap IR Sensor
- Myoband
- Robai 7 DOF Robot
git clone https://github.com/deleomike/pick_and_place.git
Create your python environment (Mac/Linux)
python -m venv env
. ./env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
You'll need to be logged into Admin
- Make sure the leap is connected (check the leap toolbar)
- Run the Leap Server
run this in the leap
python2.7 Sample.py
- Run the MyoBand Server
Open myo_matlab.m
with matlab and run it
- Start the Cyton Actin Viewer
- Load the server plugin
- Enable Hardware
- Hit Play
- Start the client terminal script
- Start the main script
To test the controller with a dummy cyton server run
python simulated_cyton_server.py
Which will stand up a UDP server that will act like the cyton and print out positions.