Decompiler for Signum smart contracts: Machine code to SmartC assembly
This library can be obtained through npm:
npm install smartc-signum-decompiler
Simple use
import Decomp from 'smartc-signum-decompiler';
const machineCode = '28'
const Options = {
variables: ['a', 'b', 'c', 'teste_d', 'r0'],
labels: [{ address: 0, label: '__fn_main' }]
const result = new Decomp(Options).decompile()
// Use:
// result.assemblyProgram
// result.variables
// result.labels
Options properties are all optionals, but at least one of attachmentBytes, creationBytes or machineCode must be supplied.
Options: {
attachmentBytes: string,
creationBytes: string,
machineCode: string,
variables: string[],
labels: Label[],
padInstruction: string
You can use and import the es2020 module:
<script type="module">
import Ssd from '';
A file tester.html is included in this repo. It is possible to test the decompiler with npm run webpage
then pointing the browser at http://localhost:7001
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