Current project scope is just the first boss from cuphead - Root Pack
- Gameplay
- Jumping
- Simple Move
- Platformer Bounds
- Colliders
- Player Bullets
- Cuphead Animations
- Idle
- Standing Fire
- Normal Jump
- Running Fire
- Potatoe Boss
- Projectiles
- Animations
- Spawn / Death
- Flying Enemies
- Background Art
- Music
- Driver
- Full Botanic Panic Song
GBDK-2020 Make vscode Emulicious
Toxa, bbbbbr
I had the idea of just using the background layer map to hold frames of animation for the boss and use the STAT Interupt scroll method/trick to slide the background to the frames for the animation. I had to hide everything to the side of the boss because it would just be a whole sprite sheet across the screen but learned the Window causes all the background tiles to the right of it to stop being rendered so I had to flip where the boss was so it was to the left of the window.