1)Overal Software Implementation Setup 🌱
1.1)Overall Architecture of the Web Application:
The web application is locally hosted and built using Node.js along with various packages and frameworks such as Express.js for server-side development, Mongoose for MongoDB database integration, and npm for package management. Additionally, the application utilizes HTML, CSS (with Bootstrap), and JavaScript for front-end development, handles routing, and interacts with the MongoDB, a NoSQL database.
⚡Packages Used:
• Node.js: A JavaScript runtime environment used for server-side development.
• npm: A package manager for Node.js used to install and manage dependencies.
• Express.js: A web application framework for Node.js used to handle routing, middleware, and server logic.
• Mongoose: An object data modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js used to manage database interactions.
• Bootstrap: A front-end framework used for designing responsive websites.
• Nodemon: A utility that monitors changes in the source code and automatically restarts the server during development, enhancing the developer experience.
• API Keys: Advanced Bootstrap forms are integrated with API keys for digital participation and contact forms, allowing for secure and seamless communication between the web application and APIs.
-Diagram of web application
-Overall Web Page Design :
-Digital Participation Form Page :
- 3D Web Map Development with CesiumJS :
- IFC Model Design on Revit:
- Generated CityGML of the IFC:
- 👀🌱 Different aspects of the project -->
- Watch my render video! 👀 -->