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Setting Up Spinnaker

In this section we'll be configuring our Spinnaker so that it will trigger a deployment strategy of canary -> production

Create a GCP Cloud Storage bucket for k8s manifests

Spinnaker needs access to your Kubernetes manifests in order to deploy them to your clusters. After your manifests are in Cloud Storage, Spinnaker can download and apply them during your pipeline's execution.

$ export PROJECT=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')

# Create bucket in GCP cloud storage (equivelant to AWS s3)
$ gsutil mb -l us-west2 gs://$PROJECT-kubernetes-manifests

  Creating gs://PROJECT/...

Upload manifests to GCP Cloud Storage Bucket

This can be automated with a CI or Spinnaker itself, but for quick and dirty we'll do it manually since we just created the bucket

$ export PROJECT=$(gcloud info --format='value(config.project)')

# Check the env is set correctly to your unique GCP project-id
$ env | grep "PROJECT"


# Assuming your $PWD is in the root of project upload manifests
$ {
  gsutil cp -r deployments/autoapp/deployment gs://$PROJECT-kubernetes-manifests
  gsutil cp -r deployments/autoapp/service exp gs://$PROJECT-kubernetes-manifests

# Double check the uploads
$ gsutil ls gs://$PROJECT-kubernetes-manifests


Create an Application in Spinnaker

It's possible to do everything below with the dashboard in our deployed Spinnaker, but we'll be using the Spin CLI because it's faster and easier to follow along because you can copy 🍝

Utilizing the Spin CLI we installed in a previous section we're going to create an application

# Create a Spinnaker "Application"
$ spin application save --application-name autoapp \
                        --owner-email $QUAY_EMAIL \
                        --cloud-providers kubernetes \
                        --gate-endpoint http://localhost:8080/gate

It should look like this in your Spinnaker Dashboard

Spinnaker Dashboard's Applications

Upload a new pipeline to our Spinnaker App

# Double check env variables
$ env | grep  'QUAY\|PROJECT'


# Interpolate with env variables and create a pipeline.json
$ sed -e s/\$PROJECT/$PROJECT/g \
      -e s/\$QUAY_USER/$QUAY_USER/g \
      deployments/autoapp/pipeline-template.json >> deployments/autoapp/pipeline.json

# Create the pipeline
$ spin pipeline save \
  --gate-endpoint http://localhost:8080/gate \
  -f deployments/autoap/pipeline.json

  Could not read configuration file from /Users/$USER/.spin/config.
  Pipeline save succeeded

It should look like this in your Spinnaker Dashboard

Spinnaker autoapp dashboard

Woohoo 🎉! Our Spinnaker is now wired up to our$QUAY_USER/autoapp repository and will trigger a deployment on any new tags such as v1.0.0


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Setting up Quay Setting up Drone