Go port of Rack's query strings
This package was written as I haven't found a good package that understands Rack/Rails query string format.
It have been designed to marshal and unmarshal nested query strings from/into
, inspired on the interface of Go builtin json
is a port of Rack's code.
All tests included into test suite
are also a port of Rack tests,
so this package keeps great compatibility with Rack implementation.
To unmarshal query strings to a map[string]interface{}
package main
import (
query, err := qs.Unmarshal("foo=bar&names[]=foo&names[]=bar")
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("%#+v\n", query)
The output:
map[string]interface {}{"foo":"bar", "names":[]interface {}{"foo", "bar"}}
You can also marshal a map[string]interface{}
to a query string:
package main
import (
payload := map[string]interface {}{"foo":"bar", "names":[]interface {}{"foo", "bar"}}
querystring, err := qs.Marshal(payload)
if err != nil {
The output:
MIT Copyright (c) 2016 Derek W. Stavis