Warpex is a Warp10 client for Elixir.
Add it to your applications and dependencies in mix.exs
def application do
[applications: [:warpex]]
def deps do
[{:warpex, "~> 1.2"}]
Configure it in config.exs
config :warpex,
address: "http://localhost", # defaults to System.get_env("WARP10_ADDRESS"),
read_key: "xxxxx", # defaults to System.get_env("WARP10_READ_KEY")
write_key: "xxxxx", # defaults to System.get_env("WARP10_WRITE_KEY")
httpoison_opts: [timeout: 5000] # defaults to []
And then call functions like:
{status, response} = Warpex.update(
"labels" => "label1=anything,label2=anotherthing",
"latlon" => "50.683299992233515:2.8832999244332314",
"elev" => "214748",
"name" => "metric.1.memory_available",
"val" => 12,
"ts" => 1521969018754000
"'#{Warpex.get_token(:read)}' // Put your token on the stack
'token' STORE // Store it in a variable
[ $token '~sensor.#{sensor.id}.*' { } #{start} #{delta} ] FETCH
[ SWAP bucketizer.mean 0 0 1 ] BUCKETIZE"
|> Warpex.exec_warpscript()
{status, response} = Warpex.fetch("~metric.1.*{}", start, stop)
is either :ok
or :error
is the raw response from Warp10 as text