This repo is a boilerplate for bootstrapping a NextJs front and NestJs backend using Typescript.
The project is a monorepo managed by pnpm and turbo and containing
in ./apps
- a NestJs backend with
- Graphql
- MikroOrm on top of a mysql database
- JWT authentication
- e2e testing with Jest
- Error reporting
- a NextJs frontend with
- MaterialUI
- Form validation via react-hook-form and zod
- auth pages (signin, signup, forgot-password, reset-password pages)
- e2e testing via Cypress
- unit testing with Jest
- a docusaurus documentation
- a CLI that generates icons and JWT keypairs for the frontend
It also contains in ./.github
folder a github action pipeline to test and build on dev branch and pull requests.
More documentation is available to describe the architecture and github workflow.
First install Node.js and pnpm globally on your machine, then run
pnpm install
To develop all apps and packages, run the following command:
pnpm dev
Then, you can navigate to https://localhost:3000 and login with email
and password 123456
s### How to create a native account with mysql
Cd apps/graphql Pnpm gen:migration
Docker exec -it (mysql:8-oracle) bash
Mysql -uroot -prootpassword
use main
Créer un compte avec Et faire
UPDATE user SET verified_at=NOW() WHERE email=“";
Julien Schneider |