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Kubectl Commands.

Contents at a Glance.




Key/Command Description
kubectl create -f .
kubectl create -f [nameFile] --dry-run This will not create the resource, instead, tell you whether the resource can be created and if your command is right.
kubectl describe storageclasses
watch kubectl get all -o wide
kubectl get all --selector [key]=[value],[key]=[value],[key]=[value]
kubectl get clusterrolebindings [roleName]
kubectl get deploy [nameDeploy] -o yaml > [toFile] This will output the resource definition in YAML format on the screen.
kubectl get apiservices
kubectl events Show events.
kubectl -n kube-system get pods
kubectl --namespace kube-system get pods
kubectl -n kube-system get pod [namePod] -o yaml > /tmp/myPodConfig.yaml
kubeadm reset
kubeadm token create --print-join-command
kubeadm join [ipAddressAndPort] --token [token] --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash [value]
-o json Output a JSON formatted API object.
-o name Print only the resource name and nothing else.
-o wide Output in the plain-text format with any additional information.
-o yaml Output a YAML formatted API object.
kubectl api-resources
kubectl cluster-info


Key/Command Description
kubectl cluster-info Show information about K8s Cluster.


Key/Command Description
kubectl describe node
kubectl describe node [nodeName] grep Taint
kubectl get nodes Show all servers (nods) K8s Cluster.
kubectl get nodes -o wide
kubectl get node [nameNode] --show-labels
kubectl get nodes --show-labels
kubectl get nodes -l [key]=[value] Get nodes whit this label.
kubectl explain node
kubectl edit node
kubectl label node [nodeName] [labelKey]=[labelValue] Set label node.
kubectl label node [nameNode] [labelKey]- Remove label node.
kubectl delete node [nameNode]
kubectl drain [nameNode] --ignore-daemonsets
kubectl taint node [nodeName] [key]=[value]:[taint-effect]
kubectl taint node [nameNode] [key]/[value]:[taint-effect]- Remove the taint on node.
kubectl taint node [nameNode] Remove the taint on master.

kubectl describe node kubemaster | grep Taint


Key/Command Description
kubectl describe pod [podName]
kubectl describe -f [nameConfig].yaml
kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 [namePod] --image=[nameImage] --restart=Never Create Pod.
kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 [namePod] --image=[nameImage] --dry-run -o yaml Generate POD Manifest YAML file (-o yaml). Don't create it(--dry-run)
kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 [namePod] --image=[nameImage] --dry-run -o yaml > [nameConf].yaml Generate POD Manifest YAML file (-o yaml). Don't create it(--dry-run)
kubectl logs [podName] Show log of pod.
kubectl get -f [nameConfig].yaml
kubectl get pods
kubectl get pods --namespaces=[namespace]
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
kubectl get pods --selector [key]=[value]
kubectl get pod -l [keyLabel] Get pods by label name.
kubectl get pods -l '![keyValue]' To list all pods those that don’t have the 'keyValue' label.
kubectl get pod -L [keyLabel],[keyLabel]
kubectl get pods --show-labels
kubectl get pod [namePod] --show-labels
kubectl get pod [namePod] -o yaml
kubectl get pod [namePod] -o yaml > [nameFile].yaml
kubectl get pod [namePod] -o json
kubectl explain pods
kubectl edit pods
kubectl edit pods [namePod]
kubectl exec [namePod] -- [command] Execute command in pod.
kubectl exec [namePod] -- ls
kubectl exec [namePod] -- sh
kubectl exec -it [namePod] -- [command] Execute interactive command in pod.
kubectl exec -it [namePod] -c [containerName] -- [command]
kubectl exec [namePod] whoami
kubectl exec -it [namePod] -- date -s '19 APR 2012 11:14:00'
kubectl exec -it [namePod] cat /log/app.log
kubectl expose pod [namePod] --port=[numberOfPort] --name [nameService] --dry-run -o yaml Create a Service of type ClusterIP to expose pod on port.
kubectl label pod [podName] [key]=[value] Attach label.
kubectl label pod [podName] [key]=[value] --overwrite
kubectl label pod [podName] [key]- Delete label.
kubectl port-forward pod/[podName] [localMachinePort]:[containerPort]
kubectl port-forward [podName] [localMachinePort]:[podPort]
kubectl logs [namePod]
kubectl logs [namePod] -c [containerName]
kubectl delete pod [podName]
kubectl delete pods --all
kubectl delete -f [configFile]


Key/Command Description
kubectl create -f [configFile]
kubectl replace -f [configFile]
kubectl scale --replicas=[numberOfReplicas] -f [configFile]
kubectl scale --replicas=[numberOfReplicas] replicaset [nameReplicaSet]
kubectl get replicaset
kubectl get replicaset [nameReplicaSet]
kubectl get replicaset [nameReplicaSet] -o yaml
kubectl get replicaset [nameReplicaSet] -o json
kubectl get rs --all-namespaces
kubectl edit rs [nameReplicaSet]
kubectl describe replicasets [nameReplicaSet]
kubectl describe rs [nameReplicaSet]
kubectl explain replicasets
kubectl delete replicasets [nameReplicaSet]
kubectl delete -f [configFile]


Key/Command Description
kubectl create deployment [deploymentName] --image=[imageName:version]
kubectl create -f [configFile] Create deployment by config file.
kubectl create -f [configFile] --record
kubectl create deployment --image=[nameImage] [nameDeployment] Create a deployment.
kubectl create -f [configFile] --namespace=[name]
kubectl create deployment --image=[nameImage] [nameDeployment] --dry-run -o yaml Generate Deployment YAML file (-o yaml). Don't create it(--dry-run)
kubectl create deployment --image=[nameImage] [nameDeployment] --dry-run -o yaml > [fileName].yaml Save it to a file - (If you need to modify or add some other details)
kubectl apply -f [configFile] Update deployment by config file.
kubectl edit deployment [deploymentName]
kubectl edit deployment [deploymentName] --record
kubectl set image deployment [deploymentName] [imageName]=[newVersionImage] Update image of deployment by kubectl command. But not be updated image in config file.
kubectl set image deployment [deploymentName] [imageName]=[newVersionImage] --record
kubectl describe deployment [deploymentName]
kubectl describe deployment [deploymentName] --revision=[numberRevision]
kubectl rollout pause deployment [deploymentName] Pause updating deployment.
kubectl rollout resume deployment [deploymentName] Resume updating deployment.
kubectl rollout status deployment [deploymentName]
kubectl rollout history deployment [deploymentName]
kubectl rollout history deployment [deploymentName] --revision=[numberRevision]
kubectl rollout undo deployment [deploymentName] Rollout to previous version.
kubectl rollout undo deployment [deploymentName] --to-revision=[revisionNumber] Rollout to specific number of revision.
kubectl annotate deployment [deploymentName]"Update message..."
kubectl describe deployment
kubectl get deployment
kubectl get deployment --all-namespaces
kubectl get deploy [nameDeploy] -o yaml
kubectl get deploy [nameDeploy] -o json
kubectl get deploy [nameDeploy] -o yaml > [toFile] Get configuration of deployment. Example to file - /tmp/deployment.yaml
kubectl get deployment --all-namespaces
kubectl explain deployment
kubectl scale deployment
kubectl scale deploy [nameDeployment] --replicas [numberOfReplicas]
kubectl port-forward deployment/[deploymentName] [localMachinePort]:[containerPort]
kubectl expose deployment [nameDeployment] --type NodePort --port [numberOfPort]
kubectl expose deployment [nameDep] --target-port=[port] --port [port] --type=LoadBalancer --namespace=[namespace]
kubectl expose deployment [nameDeployment] -n [namespace] --type=NodePort --port=[port] --target-port=[port] --name=[name] --dry-run -o yaml > [nameFile.yaml].yaml
kubectl expose deployment [nameDeployment] -n [namespace] --type=NodePort --port=[port] --target-port=[port] --name=[name]
kubectl delete deployment
kubectl delete deploy [nameDeployment] Delete deployment by name.
kubectl delete -f [configFile] Delete deployment by config file.


Key/Command Description
kubectl describe namespace
kubectl create -f [configFile]
kubectl create namespace [nameNamespace]
kubectl create namespace [name] --dry-run=client -o yaml
kubectl get namespaces
kubectl get ns
kubectl get all --all-namespaces
kubectl -n kube-system get all
kubectl explain ns
kubectl edit namespace
kubectl delete -f [configFile]
kubectl delete namespace


Key/Command Description
kubectl config current-context
kubectl config set-context [contextName] --namespace=[namespace] --user=[userName] --cluster=[clusterName]
kubectl config set-context [contextName] --cluster=[clusterName] --user=[userName]
kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config use-context [contextName]
kubectl config delete-context


Key/Command Description
kubectl create -f [configFile]
kubectl describe quota [quotaName] -n [namespace]


Key/Command Description
kubectl create -f [configFile]
kubectl describe limitrange [quotaName] -n [namespace]


Key/Command Description
kubectl create -f [configFile]
kubectl create configmap [configmapName] --from-literal=[key]=[value] --from-literal=[key]=[value]
kubectl create configmap [configmapName] --from-file=[path]
kubectl create configmap [configmapName] --from-file==
kubectl create configmap [configmapName] --from-env-file=[path]
kubectl apply -f [configmapName]
kubectl describe configmap [configmapName]
kubectl get configmaps
kubectl get cm
kubectl get cm [configmapName] -o yaml
kubectl get configmaps --all-namespaces
kubectl get -n [namespace] get cm
kubectl edit configmap
kubectl delete configmap


Key/Command Description
kubectl create -f [configFile]
kubectl create secret generic [secretName] --from-literal=[key]=[value] --from-literal=[key]=[value]
kubectl create secret generic [secretName] --from-file=[path] --from-file=[path]
kubectl describe secret [nameSecret]
kubectl get secrets
kubectl get secret [nameSecret]
kubectl get secret [nameSecret] -o yaml
kubectl get secret --all-namespaces
kubectl delete secret [nameSecret]

Service Account.

Key/Command Description
kubectl create -f [configFile]
kubectl create serviceaccount [nameServiceAccount]
kubectl create serviceaccount [nameServiceAccount] --namespace [namespace]
kubectl get serviceaccount
kubectl get serviceaccount [name]
kubectl describe serviceaccount [name]


Key/Command Description
kubectl get roles --namespace [namespace]

Role Bindings.

Key/Command Description
kubectl get rolebindings --namespace [namespace]


Key/Command Description
kubectl create -f [configFile] Create service by config file.
kubectl create service clusterip redis --tcp=6379:6379 --dry-run -o yaml This will not use the pods labels as selectors, instead it will assume selectors as app=redis. You cannot pass in selectors as an option. So it does not work very well if your pod has a different label set. So generate the file and modify the selectors before creating the service.
kubectl create service nodeport nginx --tcp=80:80 --node-port=30080 --dry-run -o yaml
kubectl describe svc Describe service.
kubectl get svc
kubectl get svc --all-namespaces
kubectl get svc [nameDeploy] -o yaml > [toFile] Get configuration of service. Example to file - /tmp/svc-conf.yaml
kubectl explain svc
kubectl edit svc
kubectl port-forward service/[serviceName] [localMachinePort]:[containerPort]
kubectl delete svc Delete service by name.
kubectl delete -f [configFile] Delete service by config file.


Key/Command Description
kubectl create -f [configFile]
kubectl describe daemonset [nameDaemonset] less
kubectl get daemonset -n kube-system
kubectl get daemonset --all-namespaces
kubectl delete daemonset [nameDaemonset]


Key/Command Description
kubectl create -f [configFile]
kubectl describe job [nameJob]
kubectl get job --all-namespaces
kubectl get jobs
kubectl delete job [nameJob]
kubectl delete -f [configFile]


Key/Command Description
kubectl create -f [configFile]
kubectl describe cronjob [nameCronjob]
kubectl get cronjob --all-namespaces
kubectl delete cronjob [nameCronjob]
kubectl delete -f [configFile]


Key/Command Description
kubectl create -f [configFle]
kubectl describe pv
kubectl get pv
kubectl get pv --all-namespaces
kubectl edit pv
kubectl delete pv


Key/Command Description
kubectl create -f [configFle]
kubectl describe pvc
kubectl get pvc
kubectl get pvc --all-namespaces
kubectl edit pvc
kubectl delete pvc


Key/Command Description
kubectl describe ingress
kubectl create -f [nameConfig]
kubectl get ingress
kubectl get ingress --all-namespaces
kubectl edit ingress
kubectl delete ingress


Key/Command Description
kubectl describe statefulset
kubectl get statefulset
kubectl get statefulset --all-namespaces
kubectl edit statefulset
kubectl delete statefulset
kubectl scale statefulset
kubectl rollout status statefulset

kubectl run

Key/Command Description
kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 [namePod] --image=[nameDockerImage] --port=[numberPort]
kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 [namePod] --image [nameImage] --replicas [numberOfReplicas]
kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 [namePod] --rm -it --image [nameImage] -- sh
kubectl run --generator=run-pod/v1 [namePod] --image=[nameImage]:[version] --limts="cpu=200m,memory=512Mi"
kubectl run --generator=cronjob/v1beta1 [namePod] --image=[nameImage] --dry-run --schedule="*/1 * * * *" -- /bin/sh -c "date; echo hello from kubernetes cluster"
kubectl run [namePod] --image=[nameImage] --replicas=[numberOfReplicas] --labels [key]=[value] --expose --port=[numberOfPort]

kubectl version

Key/Command Description
kubectl version Show version of kubectl client and version of server (cluster).
kubectl version --client Show version of kubectl client.
kubectl version --short

kubectl delete

Key/Command Description
kubectl delete
kubectl delete -f
kubectl delete -f [nameManifestFile]

kubectl create

Key/Command Description
kubectl create -f manifest.yml Create.

kubectl apply

Key/Command Description
kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f manifest.yml Create or modify.
kubectl apply -f link
kubectl apply -f directory/

kubectl get

Key/Command Description
kubectl get all
kubectl get all -o wide
kubectl get rs
kubectl get componentstatuses Show status of K8s Cluster.
kubectl get sc

kubectl config

Key/Command Description
kubectl config set-cluster [clusterName]
kubectl config set-credentials [userName]
kubectl config view

kubectl cp

Key/Command Description
kubectl cp

kubectl exec

Key/Command Description
kubectl exec -ti
kubectl exec [namePod] whoami
kubectl exec -it [namePod] -- date -s '19 APR 2012 11:14:00'
kubectl exec -it [namePod] -- sh

kubectl explain

Key/Command Description
kubectl explain .

kubectl logs

Key/Command Description
kubectl logs [podName]
kubectl logs -f [configFile] [containerName]
kubectl logs --since 1h
kubectl logs --since 1m
kubectl logs --since 1s
kubectl logs --since 1h -f [configFile]
kubectl logs --since 1m -f [configFile]
kubectl logs --since 1s -f [configFile]
kubectl logs [podName] -c [containerName]

kubectl port-forward

Key/Command Description
kubectl port-forward

kubectl rollout

Key/Command Description
kubectl rollout history
kubectl rollout undo

kubectl top

Key/Command Description
kubectl top node
kubectl top pod

Sort this commands.

Key/Command Description
kubectl get deployments/ingress-nginx-controller -o yaml -n kube-system
