- About.
- Documentation.
- General.
- Ports.
- Process Management.
- Navigation.
- File Management.
- Directory Management.
- curl
- Permission.
- Iptables Management.
- Ip6tables Management.
- Search.
- System and Service Managements.
- Log Managements.
- Group Managements.
- Alias.
- Git Commands.
- Maven Commands.
- Kubernetes Commands.
- Articles.
- Conferences.
- Conference Speakers.
- Tmx Terminal.
- Help.
Key/Command | Description |
sed -i '/swap/d' /etc/fstab | |
swapoff -a | |
sysctl --system | |
scp | |
watch [Command] | |
uname -r | |
ip a | |
ip a s | less |
echo -n 'somevalue' | base64 |
lsb_release -dirc | |
alias [nameAlias]="commandAlisa" | |
pulseaudio -k | “Dummy Output” No sound in Ubuntu |
id | |
dive | |
nc -z -v -w 1 [nameService] [portNumber] | |
hostname [hostname] | Change hostname. |
hostname -I | |
ip a | |
man [someCommand] | Show manual of command. |
sudo apt-cache show [nameApp] | |
printenv | |
sudo touch /etc/profile.d/environment_variable.sh
- Write to the file
- Append to the file
Key/Command | Description |
sudo [command] | Run command with the security privileges of the superuser (Super User DO). |
pwd | Full path to working directory. |
cat | Concatenate to screen. |
clear | Clears the screen. |
top | Displays active processes. Press q to quit. |
htop | Displays active processes. Press q to quit. |
tree | |
open [file] | Opens a file (as if you double clicked it). |
reset | Resets the terminal display. |
alias | Show all alias. |
history | Show history. |
whoami | Show currently user used. |
which [nameApp] | Linux which command is used to identify the location of a given executable that is executed when you type the executable name (command) in the terminal prompt. |
lsblk | |
df -h | |
free -h | Show RAM memory. Human-readable. |
free -m | Show RAM memory. |
nproc | Number of CPU. |
uptime | Show time of operating system. |
dpkg -L [namePackage] | Shows you what files the package installed. |
sudo apt-get update | |
sudo apt-get upgrade | |
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | |
sudo apt-get autoremove | |
sudo apt update | |
sudo apt upgrade | |
sudo apt dist-upgrade | |
sudo apt-get full-upgrade | |
sudo apt autoremove | |
sudo apt-get autoclean | |
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/pathToExecutableFile" >> /etc/bash.bashrc
echo -n 'someValue' | base64
echo -n 'encodedValue' | base64 --decode
Key/Command | Description |
nmcli d wifi list | |
nmcli c | To see a list of all saved connections |
nmcli radio wifi on | |
nmcli radio wifi off | |
nmcli d wifi connect wifiName password passwordValue | |
nmcli d wifi connect wifiName | |
nmcli -a d wifi connect wifiName | |
nmcli --ask d wifi connect wifiName | |
nmcli d wifi list --rescan yes | |
nmcli c delete wifiName | To forget a connection (that was saved after you ran nmcli -a d wifi connect ) |
cyberghostvpn --traffic --country-code coyntryCode
- list countriescyberghostvpn --traffic --country-code coyntryCode --city
- list citiescyberghostvpn --traffic --country-code coyntryCode --city cityName --server
- list serverscyberghostvpn --traffic --country-code coyntryCode --city cityName --server serverInstanceName --connect
cyberghostvpn --status
cyberghostvpn --stop
Key/Command | Description |
ssh-keygen | |
ssh-copy-id [nameUser]@[ipAddress] | Copy ssh keys to dedicated server. |
Key/Command | Description |
useradd [nameUser] | Add new user. |
passwd [nameUser] | Change password of user. |
usermod -aG [nameGroup] [nameUser] | Add user to the group. |
Key/Command | Description |
sudo lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN |
sudo lsof -i -P -n | |
sudo lsof -i:[numberPort] | |
sudo fuser -k [portNumber]/tcp | |
sudo fuser [portNumber]/tcp | |
netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN |
netstat -nltp | grep [nameApp] |
Key/Command | Description |
ps | |
ps -a | Show list of processes. |
ps -ef | Show list of processes. |
ps aux | Show list of processes. |
killall [nameProcess] | Kill process by name. |
pkill -f 'java -jar' | |
jps | Java Virtual Machine Process Status Tool. |
jps -l | |
jps -v | |
lsof -i :8080 | |
kill $(lsof -t -i :8080) | |
pkill -f 'bazel' | |
ps -ef | grep -iwc bazel |
ps -ef | grep [nameProcess]
ps -a | grep [nameProcess]
Show process by name.
Key/Command | Description |
cd [folder] | Change directory e.g. cd Documents . |
cd [path] | Change directory e.g. cd /home/user/Documents . |
cd | Home directory. |
cd ~ | Home directory. |
cd / | Root of drive. |
cd .. | Previous directory. |
cd ../../ | Move 2 levels up. |
ls | Short listing. |
ls -l | Long listing. |
ls -a | Listing incl. hidden files. |
ls -la | Long listing incl. hidden files. |
ls -lh | Long listing with Human readable file sizes. |
ls -lah | |
ls -R | Entire content of folder recursively. |
ll | |
la | |
colorls | |
colorls -a | |
colorls -la | |
Key/Command | Description |
touch [file] | Create a new file. |
rm [file] | Remove a file, e.g. rm data.tmp . |
rm -i [file] | Remove with confirmation. |
rm -f [file] | Force removal without confirmation. |
cp [file] [newFileName] | Copy file to file. |
cp [file] [dir] | Copy file to directory. |
mv [file] [newFileName] | Move/Rename, e.g. mv file1.ad /tmp . |
less [file] | Output file content delivered in screensize chunks. |
find . -name | Finding Nested Files. |
Key/Command | Description |
mkdir [dir] | Create new directory. |
mkdir -p [dir]/[dir] | Create nested directories. |
rmdir [dir] | Remove directory (only operates on empty directories). |
rm -R [dir] | Remove directory and contents. |
rm -r [dir] | Remove a directory and contents. |
rm -rf [dir] | Force removal a directory and contents. |
du -sch ./* | Current Directory Size |
du -ah -d 1 | |
du -h -d 1 | |
Key/Command | Description |
-#, --progress-bar | Make curl display a simple progress bar instead of the more informational standard meter. |
-b, --cookie <name=data> | Supply cookie with request. If no =, then specifies the cookie file to use (see -c). |
-c, --cookie-jar | File to save response cookies to. |
-d, --data | Send specified data in POST request. Details provided below. |
-f, --fail | Fail silently (don't output HTML error form if returned). |
-F, --form <name=content> | Submit form data. |
-H, --header | Headers to supply with request. |
-i, --include | Include HTTP headers in the output. |
-I, --head | Fetch headers only. |
-k, --insecure | Allow insecure connections to succeed. |
-L, --location | Follow redirects. |
-o, --output | Write output to . Can use --create-dirs in conjunction with this to create any directories specified in the -o path. |
-O, --remote-name | Write output to file named like the remote file (only writes to current directory). |
-s, --silent | Silent (quiet) mode. Use with -S to force it to show errors. |
-v, --verbose | Provide more information (useful for debugging). |
-w, --write-out | Make curl display information on stdout after a completed transfer. See man page for more details on available variables. Convenient way to force curl to append a newline to output: -w "\n" (can add to ~/.curlrc). |
-X, --request | The request method to use. |
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:8080
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PATCH http://localhost:8080
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE http://localhost:8080
curl -d '{"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080
Key/Command | Description |
chmod +x [file] | Give permission to execute the file. |
chown -R [userName]:[groupName] [path] | Add permissions to folder or file. |
chown -R [userName]:[groupName] [path] -R | Add permissions recursively to folder or file. |
Key/Command | Description |
sudo iptables-save | View the current configuration for IPv4. |
sudo ip6tables-save | View the current configuration for IPv6. |
sudo vim /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables-rules | Create a script with a dump of iptables rules. |
sudo chmod +x /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables-rules | We make the iptables script executable. |
sudo /etc/network/if-up.d/iptables-rules | Load the iptables rules. |
sudo iptables -L | Show list of rules. |
Key/Command | Description |
sudo ip6tables-save | View the current configuration for IPv6. |
sudo vim /etc/network/if-up.d/ip6tables-rules | Create a script with a dump of ip6tables rules. |
sudo chmod +x /etc/network/if-up.d/ip6tables-rules | We make the ip6tables script executable. |
sudo /etc/network/if-up.d/ip6tables-rules | Load the ip6tables rules. |
Key/Command | Description |
python --version | |
python2 --version | |
python3 --version | |
python -V | |
python2 -V | |
python3 -V | |
pip3 --version | |
ls /usr/bin/python* | Check what python versions are available on your Ubuntu system. |
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python2 1 | Set Python alternatives. |
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/python python /usr/bin/python3 2 | Set Python alternatives. |
sudo update-alternatives --list python | Check if you already have some python alternatives configured. |
sudo update-alternatives --config python | Change to alternative python version. |
Key/Command | Description |
find [dir] -name [search_pattern] | Search for files, e.g. find /Users -name "file.txt" . |
grep [search_pattern] [file] | Search for all lines that contain the pattern, e.g. grep "Tom" file.txt . |
grep -r [search_pattern] [dir] | Recursively search in all files in specified directory for all lines that contain the pattern. |
grep -v [search_pattern] [file] | Search for all lines that do NOT contain the pattern. |
grep -i [search_pattern] [file] | Search for all lines that contain the case-insensitive pattern. |
-i | Ignore case distinctions on Linux and Unix |
-w | Force PATTERN to match only whole words |
-v | Select non-matching lines |
-n | Print line number with output lines |
-h | Suppress the Unix file name prefix on output |
-r | Search directories recursivly on Linux |
-R | Just like -r but follow all symlinks |
-l | Print only names of FILEs with selected lines |
-c | Print only a count of selected lines per FILE |
--color | Display matched pattern in colors |
Alias | Command |
systemctl list-unit-files | |
systemctl list-units | |
systemctl --all | |
systemctl --failed | |
systemctl status [nameService] | Show status of service. |
systemctl status [nameService.service] | Show status of service. |
systemctl start [nameService.service] | Start the service. |
systemctl stop [nameService.service] | Stops the service. |
systemctl restart [nameService.service] | Restart the service. |
systemctl enable [nameService.service] | Enable to starts on boot. |
systemctl disable [nameService.service] | Disable to start on boot. |
systemctl is-enabled [nameService] | Check status of service enabled or disabled. |
service [nameService] start | |
service [nameService] status | |
service [nameService] reload | |
service [nameService] stop | |
service --status-all | |
systemctl daemon-reload | |
systemctl list-units | grep .service
systemctl list-unit-files | grep .service
Key/Command | Description |
journalctl | Show every journal entry that is in the system will be displayed within a page. |
journalctl -b | Displaying logs from the current Boot. |
journalctl --list-boots | To see the boots that journald knows about. |
journalctl -u [name] | To see all of the logs from an unit name our system. |
journalctl -p [priorityLevel] | To see all of the logs at a priority level on you system. |
journalctl -p err | |
journalctl -p crit | |
journalctl -n | To display a set amount of records. |
journalctl -f | To actively follow the logs as they are being writen. |
Key/Command | Description |
gpasswd -a [userName] [groupName] | Add user to the group. |
getent group [groupName] | |
Alias | Command |
h | history |
history | omz_history |
l | ls -CF |
lS | ls -1FSsh |
la | ls -A |
lart | ls -1Fcart |
ldot | ls -ld .* |
ll | ls -alF |
lr | ls -tRFh |
lrt | ls -1Fcrt |
ls | ls --color=auto |
lsa | ls -lah |
lt | ls -ltFh |
mv | mv -i |
- hsi
history | grep -i
- hs
history | grep