🎨 This script takes an iTerm Color Profile as an argument and translates it for use with the Warp terminal.
The script depends on YAML
npm install yaml
node iterm-colors-to-warp.js [path-to-iterm-profile.json]
Open the iTerm2 App
Go to Preferences -> Profiles -> Colors
Other Actions -> Save Profile as JSON
- Run this script from the command line:
node iterm-colors-to-warp.js [path-to-iterm-profile.json]
- In Warp, create a config directory in your home directory:
mkdir -p ~/.warp/themes/
- Add your new custom theme yaml theme file to this directory:
cp ./[path-to-iterm-profile.yaml] ~/.warp/themes/
Your new theme should now be visible on the list of available themes.
Fork by: https://gist.github.com/2xAA/bd01638dc9ca46c590fda06c4ef0cc5a